Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "World: Tungsten - Market Report - Analysis and Forecast to 2020" report to their offering.

This report has been designed to provide a detailed analysis of the global tungsten market. It covers the most recent data sets of quantitative medium-term projections, as well as developments in production, trade, consumption and prices. The report also includes a comparative analysis of the leading consuming countries, revealing opportunities opened for producers and exporters across the globe. The forecast outlines market prospects to 2020.

The global trade in tungsten fluctuated wildly over the period under review. A 79% drop in 2009 was followed by exports doubling over the next two years, until exports decreased again, and continued to fall until 2015. 2015 saw a slight uptick in exports, ending with 27 million USD. Overall, there was an annual decrease of -10.5% from 2007 to 2015.

According to estimates, the UK became the leading global exporter of tungsten. In 2015, tungsten exports from the UK totaled 7 million USD, which accounted for a 24% share of global exports. Hong Kong, USA, Switzerland, and Vietnam were the other key global suppliers of tungsten in 2015, with a 51% combined share of global exports.

Hong Kong (+50.9% per year) and the UK (+5.2% per year) were the fastest growing exporters from 2007 to 2015. The UK significantly strengthened its position in terms of global tungsten exports, growing its share from 7% in 2007 to 24% in 2015.

Japan (19%, based on value terms), USA (16%), China (9%), Australia (6%), and the Republic of Korea (6%) were the leading destinations of tungsten imports in 2015. Imports to Australia grew at a rapid pace of +37.6% per year from 2007 to 2015. None of the major importers contracted their imports of tungsten over the period under review. Japan's share of global imports increased significantly (+8 percentage points), while the share of the USA illustrated negative dynamics (-1 percentage points).

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction

1.1 Report Description

1.2 Research Methodology

2. Executive Summary

2.1 Key Findings

2.2 Market Trends

3. Market Overview

3.1 Market Volume and Value

3.2 Consumption by Country

3.3 Market Opportunities by Country

3.4 Market Forecast to 2020

4. Production

4.1 Production in 2007-2015

4.2 Production by Country

5. Imports

5.1 Imports in 2007-2015

5.2 Imports by Country

5.3 Import Prices by Country

6. Exports

6.1 Exports in 2007-2015

6.2 Exports by Country

6.3 Export Prices by Country

7. Profiles of Major Producers

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