Michael Hanley, Editorial Director: Tel.: +41(0)79 590 6655; E-mail: michael.hanley@weforum.org

  • Revamped Forum website will feature four video channels of continuous live webcasting from Davos
  • The Forum Live channel will show exclusive interviews with top-level participants
  • Insight reporting will offer in-depth analysis of key sessions from expert participants
  • , including 116 public figures
  • The Annual Meeting 2013 can be followed on over 10 digital platforms at http://wef.ch/davos

Geneva, Switzerland, 18 January 2013 - This year's World Economic Forum Annual Meeting will be the most digital to date, with a revamped website offering continuous live broadcasts of the Meeting's main events as well as insights, interviews and highlights.

New for the Annual Meeting 2013, an enhanced events page offers four channels of continuous streamed broadcasting. One of these, Forum Live, will feature expert commentary and interviews with participants to put the highlights of the Meeting in context.

Social media is central to the new offering, ensuring that access to sessions at the Annual Meeting is as broad as possible. The events page will include the full broadcast schedule along with hashtags for Twitter users to join in the conversation during sessions.

Following the success at the Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tianjin, People's Republic of China, last year, insight reporting will offer the analysis and opinion of experts on 70 Annual Meeting sessions, on video and in written reports.

A full list of the World Economic Forum's digital offerings includes:

New Forum Live

Forum Live (formerly the Social Media Corner) is a live webcast channel hosted on the home page of www.weforum.org, streamed live to the World Economic Forum's channel on www.youtube.com/worldeconomicforum and through other social media channels such as Facebook Live. The channel will feature the best of Davos with relevant commentary, analysis and interviews with key participants.

As part of the Forum's new insight reporting initiative (see below), Meeting Co-Chairs and Strategic Partner CEOs are invited to share their insights on sessions on Forum Live during scheduled insight reporting segments. These live interviews will be published on the Forum's website with session summaries written by the participants themselves.

New Insight Reportinghttp://wef.ch/am13insights

Selected participants will be reporting on their experiences in sessions as official rapporteurs, providing a more personal take on a session's proceedings and to move towards more social content. Sessions that are covered by rapporteurs will be made available on the website with the full session video, a short video interview between a session moderator and the rapporteur, written commentary and photographs from the session. The interviews will be broadcast live and available on demand on YouTube Live, Livestream.com and Facebook.

Video Webcasts

During the Annual Meeting, official plenary sessions, sessions in the Sanada and Studio rooms, and press conferences will be broadcast live on Forum Live http://wef.ch/live. This year, there will be an additional three Livestream channels featuring Davos content.

Feel free to embed any of the Livestream video feeds on your website or event page using the following instructions: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/AM13/WEF_AM13_Livestream_Embeds.pdf

All press conferences will be streamed live on http://wef.ch/live. Immediately after each session, the videos will be available on our website http://www.weforum.org/am13/webcasts, and can be watched on demand on YouTube http://wef.ch/videos and in Chinese on Youku http://wef.ch/youku.


Annual Meeting content, news and views will be shared throughout the Annual Meeting on our Facebook fan page http://facebook.com/worldeconomicforum.


The Forum will compile an official Twitter list http:/twitter.com/Davos/Davos2013, including all participants active on the micro-blogging service. The tweets from the official Twitter list will be displayed on the official Twitter wall on bulletin boards around the Congress Hall http://wef.ch/twitterwall.

Notes to Editors

More information about the Annual Meeting 2013 is available at http://wef.ch/davos2013
View the best photographs from the Annual Meeting on Flickr at  http://wef.ch/davos13pix
Free media access to the Forum press photo archive Swiss-Image at  http://wef.ch/pics
Watch live webcasts of sessions at  http://wef.ch/live  and on demand at  http://wef.ch/davos13video
Watch opinions and analysis of key sessions at  http://wef.ch/AM13insights
Watch the sessions on demand on YouTube at  http://wef.ch/youtube  or  http://wef.ch/youku
Become a fan of the Forum on Facebook at  http://wef.ch/facebook
Read the summaries of sessions at  http://wef.ch/davos13sessions
Follow the Forum on Twitter at  http://wef.ch/twitter  and  http://wef.ch/livetweet(hashtag #WEF)
Read the Forum:Blog at  http://wef.ch/blog
Follow the Forum on Google+ at  http://wef.ch/gplus
The Forum Media App is available here  http://wef.ch/apps

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