Windham Capital Management, an asset management firm specializing in risk-based solutions, announced it has launched the Windham Multi-Horizon Portfolio as of September 30, 2021.

Windham’s Multi-Horizon Portfolio seeks to grow and preserve wealth by protecting investors from risks that arise suddenly such as pandemics and turmoil in the financial markets, as well as risks that emerge gradually such as climate change. It allocates across growth, defensive, and opportunistic assets based on proprietary technology that simultaneously evaluates returns at short and long intervals based on a nuanced description of investor risk preferences.

Windham believes investors care about short-term outcomes because significant short-term losses might disrupt ongoing spending plans or derail long-term goals. They also care about outcomes that unfold slowly over long horizons because adverse cumulative outcomes make it more difficult to grow and preserve wealth.

The Multi-Horizon Portfolio complements Windham’s suite of risk-based strategies. Founder and CEO of Windham Capital Management, Mark Kritzman, believes Windham’s unique technology to manage risks that arise suddenly and, at the same time, forces that emerge gradually, serves a demand that the financial industry has not yet addressed in a sophisticated way. The firm is seeing interest in the Multi-Horizon Portfolio amongst multiple institutional and high-net worth clients and prospects.

About Windham Capital Management

Windham Capital Management is an independent asset management firm founded in 1988. Windham is widely recognized for its pioneering research in risk management and asset allocation. Its staff has published more than 100 peer reviewed journal articles and eight investment books.