In the United States today, there are 5 million family-run businesses. Of that number, only 1,100 are over 100 years old. Sadlier, Inc. is one of the latter. In January 2017, the company celebrates 185 years of publishing resources for Catholic schools and parishes— an impressive statistic in book publishing today.

The company was founded by two brothers, Denis and James Sadlier, immigrants from Ireland who began publishing materials to meet the spiritual and educational needs of the Irish immigrant community. Their nephew, William H. Sadlier, inspired by their dedication and mission, established the company that bears his name. In doing so, he filled an important gap for Catholic school children, publishing a set of primers, history, and geography texts that included Catholic contributions to American history.

One hundred and eighty-five years later, Sadlier is still owned by the same family. The current Chairman of the Board, Frank Sadlier Dinger, and President, William Sadlier Dinger, are the great-grandsons of William H. Sadlier and direct descendants of Denis and James Sadlier. The next generation—their children Melissa Gibbons, Angela Dinger, and William Sadlier Dinger, Jr.—have taken on roles in the company’s leadership team that will guide Sadlier into the future. The family continues to publish innovative catechetical and academic resources that serve the needs of Catholic schools and parishes with integrity, creativity, and a commitment to ongoing excellence.

Frank Dinger names a key factor in Sadlier’s success: “We know we have to provide the best learning tools and catechetical experience for the child in the parish setting or school classroom. In order to do this, we need to give the teacher the right resources for that experience to happen. This has been our goal, and it will continue for years to come.”

Sadlier Religion programs offer quality, solid catechetical and sacramental preparation materials that faithfully present the teachings of the Catholic Church. William Sadlier Dinger explains the company’s commitment to these materials: “From our earliest works, like The Baltimore Catechism with Study Lessons, to our first bilingual Spanish-English textbook, Jesús nos dice, we have been committed to providing quality catechesis that promotes the message of the Gospel. Last year, we introduced an innovative, multimedia sacrament program, unlike any other in the market. This is the type of originality you will see Sadlier producing in 2017 and into the future.”

Sadlier also has a school division, which offers effective Mathematics and English Language Arts programs for Catholic schools as well as public schools in the United States and educational institutions around the world. Proven curricula such as Vocabulary Workshop®, Grammar Workshop, Grammar for Writing®, and Progress in Mathematics provide high-quality, rigorous content that increases student achievement and prepares them for college and life.

Sadlier will kick off its 185th Anniversary in January at the Gulf Coast Faith Formation Conference in New Orleans, LA. Activities include special offers and celebrations to thank their loyal customers at this event and others throughout the year. In honor of this celebration, Sadlier is also launching a new webinar series in partnership with the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership and the National Catholic Educational Association, providing free professional development to catechetical leaders, catechists, and teachers.

S®, Sadlier®, Vocabulary Workshop®, and Grammar for Writing® are registered trademarks of William H. Sadlier, Inc.