The Private Equity & Venture Capital Conference, a student-organized event at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, will hold its 22nd Annual Wharton Private Equity and Venture Capital Conference January 29, 2016 at the Union League in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. With the theme “Diversification vs. Specialization,” the one-day conference, which is expected to draw nearly 400 attendees, will bring prominent GPs, LPs and other industry professionals together with Wharton alumni, students and faculty to discuss the most critical issues facing the private equity and venture capital industry today.

Headlining this year’s conference will be the following keynote speakers: Joshua Harris, Co-Founder, Senior Managing Director and Director of Apollo Global Management, LLC; Bennett Rosenthal, Director, Co-Founder, Partner and Co-Head of Private Equity Group of Ares Management; and Bryce Youngren: Managing Partner at Polaris Partners.

A selection of panel topics designed to spark discussion around the conference theme of “Diversification vs. Specialization” include: Entrepreneurship Though Acquisition, Women in PEVC, Focus on Emerging Markets, Value Creation, Distressed Situations, Large Cap Private Equity and more. To view the full schedule of events and to register to attend, please visit:

The Conference Co-Chairs are excited in particular for the content and line-up of speakers participating in this year’s conference. It has been a very dynamic year in terms of evolving market trends affecting deal flow and operations within the industry. With that background in play, the carefully selected content should generate lively discussions and fresh, actionable insights from the industry’s leading practitioners.

“It is an honor for the team to host one of the largest and most prominent events for the Wharton School,” said Claire Lecarpentier, Head of Communication for the Private Equity & Venture Capital Conference. “In its 22 years, the conference has become a leading industry event, attracting global leaders from across all facets of the alternative investment space. We could not be more proud to offer the unique opportunity for students and professionals alike to congregate and discuss key industry issues via thoughtful, collaborative discourse.”

Prominent members of the financial community sponsor the conference including Dechert LLP, SAP and BackBay Communications.

About the Wharton Private Equity & Venture Capital Conference Team
The Wharton Private Equity & Venture Capital Conference Team gathers 35 MBA students with varied backgrounds and diverse work experiences. They are committed to organizing the conference, providing a platform for students with interest in private equity and venture capital to meet and network amongst each other as well as leading industry professionals.