STORY: A grim search is underway in Croatia for the remains of victims killed during war more than three decades ago.

Earlier this month, investigators found the remains of 10 people at this garbage dump near Vukovar, about 180 miles east of the capital, Zagreb.

They expect to find more.

It took two years of searching to find the mass grave.

This site has been described as the most difficult and complex location investigators here have ever encountered.

Ivona Paltrinieri heads the department for missing people in the war veterans ministry.

"We are still looking for 1,797 missing people," she said about the whole country.

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They've been missing since the country's war of independence in the 1990s from Yugoslavia, which dissolved into separate entities.

About 150 mass graves have been found in Croatia.

At this specific site, workers have unearthed nearly 320,000 cubic feet of waste, digging nearly 50 feet deep.

Investigators believe the ten victims were moved after initially being buried somewhere else...

As the remains were covered with earth and sludge that's not typical for the site.

:: November 8, 1991

Paltrinieri said that probably happened in January of 1992, after the temporary occupation of Vukovar.

The city was reduced to rubble by the Yugoslav army and Serb paramilitary units in late 1991.

Investigators hope DNA analysis will find a match for the remains from about 10,000 people who are looking for missing relatives.

According to the International Commission for Missing Persons, 11,600 people are still unaccounted for from the Balkan conflicts in the 1990s.