GENEVA, Jan. 17, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WISeKey will be organizing the Roundtable "Addressing Identity of People and Things, Privacy, Security and Trust in the Cloud" at the Belvédere Hotel in Davos on Wednesday 22 January 2014, 07:15am-8:30am.

During this Roundtable Carlos Moreira, Founder and CEO of WISeKey and OISTE.ORG will challenge participants to accept that future growth on the Internet must support an individual's right to control their own personal identifiable information (PII) and find a new footing for the development of solutions to critical, unresolved issues in identity management, privacy, security and trust in the digital world.

See CNBC video on this subject:

In a couple of years, one out of two persons on earth will use Internet. One out of four will belong to a social network. By then, the combined Internet economies of the G-20 will reach $4.2 trillion and mobile devices will account for some 80 per cent of all broadband connections. Meanwhile, following the rise of cloud computing, convergence and much enhanced interoperability, the technology will be in place to link and exploit the enormous amount of data thereby produced in ways that are now unthinkable.

However, what conditions will apply to the use of personal data? How are individuals to cope in a digital universe in which all and everyone, human beings and "things", blend in one mesh? Will individual users have a word to say in how the data they generate is managed? Will the politics of the Internet evolve in directions that are yet unknown? Will the human right to privacy set a new course for Internet?

The World Economic Forum's Community of Global Growth Companies was formed in 2007 to engage dynamic, high-growth companies which have the potential to be tomorrow's industry leaders and to become a driving force of economic and social change. WISeKey was first nominated as a Global Growth Company Partner in 2007 as a global leader on Digital Identification and Secure Trusted Electronic Transactions over the Internet.

About WISeKey

Established in 1999 and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, WISeKey is a leading Cyber Security company, providing specialized technologies for trusted digital identities for people, objects and mobiles, personal clouds and authentication to secure communications and transactions without compromising trust.

See the full list of Global Growth Company Partners of the World Economic Forum:   

CONTACT: Press contacts:
         Satu Kulmala
         Tel +41 22 594 3005

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