VizComm.Net introduces a cool new way to interact with your laptops, tablets, and smartphones - by touchfree hand gestures, using existing cameras. First came keyboard and mouse, culminating in the laptop. Then came touchscreens, culminating in tablets/smartphones. Now witness touchfree, the next revolution. Without any special hardware you can wave your hand to advance your presentation or photo album - from a distance. Or play a game, fly a flight simulator, or make a 3D sculpture - in the air. Sticky fingers are no problem, if you are cooking or eating. Hospital workers can access patient records without touching any surfaces. Disabled persons can again use computers, opening new vistas. With ubiquitous computing, you can now interact with your environment visually, in your home, office, school, mall, or vehicle. VizComm interprets 3D information using a single video camera, standard on all laptops, tablets, and smartphones, and coming soon everywhere. No infrared, no dual cameras. VizComm is so excited about its technology, it is giving away its early apps for free. What is revolutionary is that it is natural. Try it, and never look back.

About VizComm

VizComm.Net offers a paradigm shift in human-computer interfaces, with touchfree interaction. Its core engine, VIZ, at the heart of all of its apps, is based on a strong patent portfolio developed over years. As example apps, Viz-Presenter is a touchfree Windows presentation navigator, Viz-Slider is an Android photo gallery navigator, and Let's Count is an Android finger counting game. But this is just the start. VizComm seek partners and licensees to join it in reshaping the way we interact with our devices, and our environment. Visit VizComm.Net, see the demo video, and try the apps. For inquiries, or to set up private meetings at CES, see the contact below.

Jon Diehl, 410-730-6922