Ultimus Fund Solutions®, LLC (Ultimus®) is proud to announce that it has surpassed $50 billion in client assets serviced. Throughout the milestone year of 2016, Ultimus helped 11 advisors launch 15 new mutual funds, in addition to managing the conversion of 12 clients with 36 mutual funds and over 50 separately managed accounts and private funds from other service providers.

“Ultimus enjoyed an incredible year of growth,” commented Bob Dorsey, CEO and Managing Director of Ultimus. “We began the year with the extraordinary transition of the former Huntington Asset Services (HASI) book of business onto our service platform, which included services to collective investment funds and other pooled vehicles. In addition, we experienced robust growth from mutual funds converting from other service providers and mutual fund startup opportunities.”

Ultimus continued to build upon its deep bench strength of industry professionals with a number of key hires, many at management-level positions. Furthermore, the firm added a number of experienced professionals from the HASI acquisition. In aggregate, Ultimus finished 2016 with a 30% increase in staff at the senior management level, including the acquisition and external hires. Thanks to a considerable number of experienced hires and additions from HASI, Ultimus’ senior management continues to maintain an industry experience average of more than twenty-two years.

Commenting on other achievements for Ultimus, Mark Seger, President and Managing Director, noted, “Not only did Ultimus surpass $50 billion in assets served, but through the loyal patronage of our clients and the daily service efforts of our professional team, we once again topped Global Custodian’s Annual Mutual Fund Administration Survey in all eight service categories.” In addition, Seger declared, “We also achieved significant growth in our middle office services to advisors as well as our collective investment fund business.”

In looking ahead to 2017, Gary Tenkman, COO and Managing Director of Ultimus, said, “Ultimus will remain focused on providing a high quality set of services to advisors in the marketplace, including our commitment to new fund managers through our four multi-series trusts, assisting advisors that want to grow their institutional SMA presence, and providing support for in-demand structures such as common and collective funds.” Tenkman also stated, “Our goal is to be the provider of choice for advisors wishing to expand the distribution of their strategies via mutual funds and other pooled vehicles.”

About Ultimus Fund Solutions

Ultimus Fund Solutions provides highly customized and comprehensive middle and back office services to midsize and small investment advisors. Ultimus offers service solutions for mutual funds, including fund organization, fund administration, fund accounting, transfer agent and distribution services for both open- and closed-end funds, plus turnkey solutions for collective investment trusts.

Ultimus’ middle office service solution for separately managed accounts and private funds encompasses managing the technology infrastructure and operations required to manufacture the data needed for front office decision support platforms, enabling delivery of detailed reporting to advisors, investors, and regulators. Ultimus’ comprehensive services are performed by teams of accountants, attorneys, paralegals and other professionals with a wealth of financial services experience. For more information, visit www.ultimusfundsolutions.com.