LONDON (Reuters) - Ukraine intends to include GDP warrants as part of its effort to restructure some $20 billion of international debt before payment moratoriums expire on Aug. 1, according to two sources who joined a call with the country's Finance Ministry on Monday.

The government also told investors it still expected to succeed in its unprecedented aim of restructuring debt in the middle of a war and before the deadline, the sources said, with formal debt talks expected to restart in the near future.

Monday's call marks part of the war-torn country's fresh push to engage with investors after Kyiv announced a week ago that formal restructuring talks had ended without an agreement. Statements released last week showed there had been a wide gap between the 20% haircut bondholders want to give and a proposal from Ukraine that would have translated into a haircut of up to 60%.

"They believe that an agreement can be reached soon," one of the sources said on condition of anonymity.

(Reporting by Libby George and Karin Strohecker, Editing by Chris Reese)

By Libby George and Karin Strohecker