STORY: :: U.S. World War Two veterans arrive to cheers

in Normandy on 80th anniversary of D-Day

:: June 3, 2024

:: Arlester Brown, WW2 veteran

"Oh, it's mixed emotions. But I'm glad I survived it (World War Two), and I'm glad we won the war."

:: George Mullins, WW2 veteran

"I've been here quite a few times since the invasion, and every time I come back, I get closer to the people."

:: "Papa Jake" Larson, WW2 veteran

"I am the luckiest man in the world."

:: Anne-Marie Aplin, U.S. citizen

" see all these people gathered around with the American flags, and like, you guys are our heroes, it really touches my heart. It must touch their heart, too."

The veterans, many of whom are around 100 years old, saluted as they exited a plane, marking the start of their return to Normandy to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, when more than 150,000 allied troops landed in France to drive out Nazi Germany forces in history's largest amphibious assault on June 6, 1944.