This is a series of national-, state-, county-, place-, and metro area-level data files with statistics for all industries in the real estate and rental and leasing sector down to the six-digit NAICS level. These include statistics for real estate, rental and leasing services, and lessors of nonfinancial intangible assets (except copyrighted works). The files provide data on the number of establishments, receipts or revenue, payroll, number of employees and other data items by industry. Today's release covers Colorado and Hawaii and geographic entities therein only. Statistics for the other states and geographic entities within them for this sector will be released on a flow basis over the coming months.

The data from the 2012 Economic Census (as well as historical information from the 2007, 2002, and 1997 economic censuses) are available on Reference information about the economic census, including a data release schedule, is available on the 2012 Economic Census home page.

No news release associated with this product. Tip Sheet only.

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