STORY: :: The director of a new Donald Trump biopic

says it would 'surprise' the former U.S. president

:: Cannes, France

:: May 21, 2024

:: Apprentice Productions Ontario inc. / Profile Productions 2 aps / Tailored Films LTD. 2023

:: Ali Abbasi, Director, 'The Apprentice'

"This is really not a movie about Donald Trump. This is a movie about a system. It's a movie about a system and the way the system works, and the way system is built and the way the power runs through the system." //

"I don't necessarily think that this is a movie that, you know, he (Donald Trump) would dislike. I don't necessarily think he would like it. I think that he - I think he would be surprised. You know, and, I you know, like I said before, like I would be happy I would offer him to go and meet him wherever he wants and talk about the context of the movie, have a screening and have a chat afterwards. You know, if, if that's, interesting for anyone you know, of Trump campaign people here."

:: The Trump campaign has said it would file a lawsuit over

'blatantly false assertions from these pretend filmmakers'

"The Apprentice," which shares the name of a reality TV series hosted and produced by Trump that made him a household name, premiered at the Cannes Film Festival on Monday, receiving an eight-minute ovation and mixed reviews from critics.

Abbasi said he hoped the film would hit theaters in mid-September, ahead of a November U.S. election that Trump, 77, is contesting as Republican presidential candidate.

Following the premiere, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign said it would be filing a lawsuit against the film over "blatantly false assertions from these pretend filmmakers."

Sebastian Stan, who made his name in the Captain America trilogy, plays Trump as he evolves from his early career years as an upstart working for his father's business to a brazen, self-centered tycoon.