SAN FRANCISCO, CA--(Marketwired - Jan 13, 2016) - ToutApp, the full-funnel sales success platform that helps sales teams close more deals, today announced the launch of Sales Campaigns. Sales Campaigns allows sales managers and reps to automate complex sales playbooks into easy-to-execute, shareable workflows. The new product tackles the entire sales funnel, helping sales development reps scale outreach more effectively and efficiently and helping account executives bring deals to the finish line faster -- all while tracking and evaluating every touch along the way.

"Sales reps are challenged to manage intricate workflows that span email, phone calls and social," said Tawheed (TK) Kader, CEO & Founder of ToutApp. "With Sales Campaigns, reps can automate these increasingly complex outreach strategies, focusing only on the steps that allow them to move a deal forward, regardless of the potential buyer's position in the funnel."

Today, sales cycles are longer than ever. They've increased by 24 percent.* As a result, multi-touch outreach has become necessary to drive prospect interest over time. However, the number of touches required to close a deal can overwhelm, with as many as 30 needed across multiple channels, including email, phone and social.** The overall campaign workflow is so convoluted and time-consuming that sales reps aren't moving deals along. Instead, they spend the majority of their time organizing workflow tasks and managing each touch individually. This is why the average rep spends just 33 percent of their time pushing deals forward.*** It's also why only 60 percent of all sales reps meet their quotas.****

ToutApp's new Sales Campaigns technology completely overhauls this process. It simplifies the workflow and optimizes time management by allowing the rep to automate and organize emails, phone calls and social outreach -- all through one, easy-to-use dashboard. Sales Campaigns empowers the rep by making it possible to quickly turn a multi-touch playbook into an automated workflow. This frees up time for sales reps to focus more on conversations that help build relationships with leads and bring deals to a close, ultimately boosting company revenue.

A full list of Sales Campaigns' features include:

  • Automated Workflows: Reps only need to build a custom, multi-touch campaign once. Sales Campaigns automates the workflow across email, phone and social (e.g., InMail, etc.). Dynamic fields are included throughout the campaign, as well, to maintain personalization. Once built, Sales Campaigns prompt reps about upcoming touches, allowing them to activate steps manually, directly from ToutApp (phone calls, for instance), while completely automating others (lead emails are instantly shared). Every step in the workflow is managed by Sales Campaigns, making sales outreach management and prospect lifecycle navigation easier than ever.

  • Tracking and Evaluation: In addition to automating tasks within the campaign workflow, Sales Campaigns measures and evaluates the effectiveness of each individual step. By providing a combination of automation and measurement, reps can use Sales Campaigns to make outreach smarter, simpler and more effective over time.

  • Team-Wide Sharing: Today, 91 percent of top-performing, sales-driven businesses call collaboration as a key part of their sales strategy.***** ToutApp makes each Sales Campaign built by a rep shareable across that rep's entire sales team. Reps -- or managers -- can build and automate their sales playbook, while later refining the workflow through built-in tracking and measurement capabilities. In doing so, sales reps can ultimately share the best possible Sales Campaign with their team, helping others boost productivity and drive customer volume with a proven strategy.

"At ToutApp, we empower salespeople and make them more efficient so they can get to the next right move and push things forward," added Kader. "Sales Campaigns isn't about automating the salesperson. Instead, we focus on automating the grunt work in the workflow so that they can do the things that matter the most."

For more information about Sales Campaigns and ToutApp, visit:

About ToutApp

ToutApp builds software that helps salespeople close deals faster with the power of email tracking, templates and analytics. Founded in 2011, ToutApp has more than 100,000 salespeople using its platform, with over 500 enterprise customers including Atlassian, Dropbox, Optimizely, Namely and more.

*SiriusDecisions, Research Report, 2014
**Zift Solutions, "3 Steps to Successful Channel Partner Marketing," 2013
***CSO Insights, 2015
****CSO Insights, 2013
*****Miller Heiman Research Institute, "The Growing Gap Between Good and Great," 2013