TEL AVIV, Israel, January 16, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --

Trading on the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) during the second week of January ended up for all leading TASE indices.

(Logo: )


The TA-25 index increased 1.9% over the week, bringing year-to-date increase to 1.5%, after increasing 12% in 2013.


The TA-100 index increased 2.1% over the week, bringing year-to-date increase to 3.0%, after increasing 15% in 2013.

TA Biomed

The TA-Biomed index increased 5.9% over the week, bringing year-to-date increase to 15.3%, after increasing 30% in 2013.

Share Offerings

This week there were two rights offerings of US $21 million.

Since the beginning of the year US $720 million was raised on the stock market in Israel, of which US $680 million in a private placement of the dual-listed internet company Perion Network as part of the acquisition and merger of Conduit. In 2013 the business sector raised US $1.7 billion through shares in Israel.

Corporate Bonds

This week there were two bond offerings of US $133 million.

Since the beginning of the year the business sector the business sector raised US $175 million through bonds.

In 2013 the business sector raised US $10.1 billion through bonds.

Government Bonds

This week the Ministry of Finance (MoF) made a public bond offering listed on the TASE amounting to US $0.4 billion.

Since the beginning of the year the MoF raise US $0.8 billion, after raising a total of US $18.2 billion for the whole of 2013.

ETN Offerings

Six new ETNs on foreign share indices were issued this week, of which 3 were currency-neutral complex certificates. Currently there are 531 ETNs traded on the TASE.

Budget Deficit

The MoF released a preliminary estimate that the Government deficit for 2013 is expected to reach a significantly lower total of NIS 33.2 billion, representing 3.15% of GDP, as opposed to a planned deficit of NIS 45.7 billion, or 4.2% of GDP.

CPI Index

Figures released by the Central Bureau of Statistics indicate that in December 2013 the Consumer Price Index increased 0.1%, bringing the total from the beginning of 2013 to 1.8%.

Sector Indices

                         WEEK 2014
        TA Bluetech-50   4.1%  7.6%
        TA Banks         0.2% -2.3%
        TA Real
        Estate-15        0.5%  0.6%

Foreign Exchange

                   WEEK   2014
        Dollar/NIS -0.1%  0.6%
        Euro/NIS   -0.1% -0.6%

Facts & Figures

The Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange features in December 2013:

        - 508 companies listing equities.
        - 530 Exchange Traded Notes.
        - 33 series of government bonds.
        - 71 Series of Institutional bonds.
        - 651 series of corporate bonds.
        - 1,281 mutual funds.
        - Market Cap. (US$ billions)
             - Equities - 203
             - Government bonds - 139
             - Corporate bonds - 90


Established in September 1935, the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange is Israel's sole securities exchange, offering an increasingly sophisticated range of products to investors, including equity, corporate bonds, treasury bills and notes, index products and derivatives..


In recent years, TASE has enhanced its international presence, signing Memoranda of Understanding with the London Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, NYSE-Euronext the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Toronto Stock Exchange

        For more information please contact:
        Idit Yaaron or Orna Goren, TASE

        Visit the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange's Website:


SOURCE Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd