TEL AVIV, Israel, January 7, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --

Fast Facts 

        - Market capitalization (Excluding ETNs):
        - Equities: US$244 billion;
        - Bonds: US$211 billion

        - Daily Turnover Y-T-D :
        - Equities (Including ETNs):
          US$373 million;
        - Government Bonds: US$789 million
        - Corporate Bonds (Including ETNs): US$281 million
        - Treasury Bills: US$131 million
        - TA-25 Index Options: 
          201 thousand of contracts

        - 461 equity companies
        - 59 companies cross-listed abroad
        - 638 Exchange Traded Notes (ETN's)
        - 32 series of government bonds
        - 599 series of corporate bonds
        - 61 series of Institutional bonds
        - 1,410 mutual funds

(Logo: )

For TASE Monthly Main Indicators [ ]

Israel Key Macroeconomic indicators 

        - GDP per capita:
          2013 - US$ 36,200; 2014  - US$ 37,100
        - GDP growth:
          2014 - 2.6%, 2015 Est. - 2.5%
        - Inflation:
          2014 - (0.2%), Jan-Nov. 2015- (0.9%)
        - Bank of Israel interest rate:
          Jan. 2016 - 0.1%
        - Surplus in balance of payments
        - Budget deficit:
          2014: 2.8% of GDP, 2015 (Est.) 2.5%

Tel Aviv Stock Exchange 

Established in September 1953, the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) is an efficient one-stop shop for the securities industry, hosting an increasingly sophisticated range of products available to investors, including shares, corporate bonds, treasury bills and bonds, index-tracking products and derivatives. TASE is a fully-automated exchange with a central order book trading system, providing clearing, settlement and depository services


Tel Aviv Stock Exchange to launch a New Index 

The board of directors of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) approved in its last meeting (September 3rd, 2015) the launch of the 12th index in the Tel-Bond family of indices - the "Tel-Bond Yields - Shekel" Index. The new index will be launched on November 15, 2015 and will include all non-linked fixed-interest bonds with a credit rating ranging between (BBB-) and (A), which are included in the Tel-Bond Composite.

The new index is a product of a market needs survey conducted by the TASE's staff in recent months in the Tel-Bond Indices segment. The survey also indicated the need to develop a series of Tel-Bond indices that would be broken down by duration or time to maturity, and development possibilities for such indices will be examined in 2016.


The TASE is owned by its members, which comprise the Bank of Israel (Israel's central bank), 15 banks and 10 investment houses. The banks are supervised by the Bank of Israel and the investment houses by the TASE. The TASE permits international banks and investment houses that have no permanent


Companies traded in the USA and on the London Stock Exchange (Main Market) can dual-list their shares on the TASE.  Dual-listing, which does not entail significant costs, imposes no additional regulatory burden and offers continuous trading from 09:45 to 23:00 (Israeli time), for companies listed in the USA.  There are currently 55 companies dually-listed on TASE, as well as 4 companies which are cross-listed on other foreign securities exchanges. For more information about Dual Listing on TASE. [ ]

For further information, you are welcome to visit our website at: or contact the TASE Marketing and Communications Unit at

+972- 76-8160405/6


SOURCE Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE)