Tarts Sensors (http://www.tartssensors.com) today announced the launch of their company. Tarts Sensors allow both developers and hobbyists the ability to develop wireless sensor networks with customizable features and behaviors. By simply choosing a wireless sensor gateway for one’s favorite development platform (Arduino, Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone Black) and any of over 20 different types of wireless sensors, the options are limitless for what can be monitored. Starter code and library files are also available on the Tarts Sensors website.

Benefits of Tarts Wireless Sensors:

  • Wireless gateways for Arduino, Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black.
  • Over 20 different types of wireless sensors.
  • FCC, IC and CE certified wireless modules.
  • Exceptional wireless range when compared to Bluetooth and other RF types (up to 350 ft).
  • Optimized power management provides long battery life (up to five years).
  • Online community of users to share ideas and provide support.

With over 20 unique sensor types, and the ability to be used with several different development platforms, Tarts wireless sensors allow for endless sensing, monitoring and control possibilities. For more information on Tarts Sensors visit the website at http://www.tartssensors.com.

Additional Resources:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tartssensors
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tartssensors

About Tarts Sensors

Tarts Sensors is a division of Monnit Corporation. Leveraging the development work by Monnit, Tarts Sensors brings a fully tested, FCC, IC and CE compliant wireless sensors platform to those wishing to develop their own solutions using open platforms such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black.