Tanium, the company that has redefined security and systems management, today announced a partnership and integration with iSIGHT Partners, a leading global provider of cyber threat intelligence. With this integration, high quality threat intelligence and Indicators of Compromise (“IOCs”) from iSIGHT Partners are automatically fed into the Tanium IOC Funnel, part of the Tanium platform. The Tanium IOC Funnel translates IOCs into sets of questions that are used to query and collect data from endpoints, as well as identify compromised systems, within seconds. Once threats are identified, Tanium enables automated remediation on compromised systems, such as killing processes, quarantining systems or deploying patches. By combining rich threat intelligence with complete and accurate information on the state of endpoints at all times, attack detection and response can now be achieved with unprecedented levels of speed and scale to more effectively protect against modern day threats.

Despite having access to multiple sources of threat intelligence subscriptions, the sheer volume of information coupled with a constantly changing IT environment and manual, latent processes makes it extremely difficult for organizations to stay ahead of increasingly sophisticated attacks. With Tanium, the largest and most complex organizations in the world have been able to shrink threat detection and response time across 100,000s of endpoints from days or weeks down to seconds. Integrating iSIGHT Partners’ ThreatScape solution into the Tanium platform adds rich, comprehensive threat intelligence combined with indicators to help accelerate this cycle.

“The threat landscape is constantly changing and recent events only demonstrate that the stakes have never been higher. With security, it all comes back to speed,” said Orion Hindawi, Tanium Co-Founder and CTO. “Attacks are happening so quickly that knowing what you looked like even an hour ago is too late. We’re giving even the largest organizations 15-second visibility and control across every endpoint to stay ahead of attacks. Adding iSIGHT Partners to our ecosystem is yet another step forward in helping the industry solve this increasingly complex problem.”

"Our partnership with Tanium enables enterprises to put iSIGHT’s context rich threat intelligence into action,” said Matt Hartley, iSIGHT Partners vice president of product management. “With the integration, joint customers can quickly find sophisticated threats on hundreds of thousands of devices, leverage our adversary database to rapidly hunt for related threats and scale their incident response beyond what human responders can do alone. We’re looking forward to working with Tanium."

Tanium and iSIGHT will also be sharing a booth at the upcoming SANS Cyber Security Threat Intelligence Summit, a two-day event running from February 2-3. More information can be found at http://www.sans.org/event/cyber-threat-intelligence-summit-2015.

About Tanium

Tanium gives the world’s largest enterprises and government organizations the unique power to secure, control and manage hundreds of thousands of endpoints across the enterprise within seconds. Serving as the “central nervous system” for enterprises, Tanium empowers security and IT operations teams to ask questions about the state of every endpoint across the enterprise in plain English, retrieve data on their current state and execute change as necessary, all within seconds. With the unprecedented speed, scale and simplicity of Tanium, organizations now have complete and accurate information on the state of endpoints at all times to more effectively protect against modern day threats and realize new levels of cost efficiency in IT operations. Visit us at www.tanium.com or follow us on Twitter at @Tanium.

About iSIGHT Partners

iSIGHT Partners is the leading global provider of cyber threat intelligence. With 200+ experts in 16 countries and expertise in 24 languages, only iSIGHT can deliver the full context and intent of the most damaging threats, allowing security organizations to respond faster, defend proactively, and invest smarter. Find iSIGHT Partners on the web at www.iSIGHTpartners.com or email us at info@isightpartners.com.