House Sales Statistics, IV. Quarter: October-December, 2013

In Turkey, 282 835 houses were sold in the fourth quarter of 2013

İstanbul has the highest share (20.6%) of house sales with 58 318 house. The followers of Istanbul were Ankara with 31 785 (11.2%) and İzmir 17 316 (6.1%) house sales. In the same quarter, the least house sold province is Ardahan with 45 house sales. The other least house sold provinces are Hakkari with 91 and Muş with 122 house sales. House sales by provinces were given on the Table 1 in the categories of house sales with mortgage and other sales for the 4th quarter of 2013.

In Turkey, 95 482 ownership of the houses changed by mortgage sales

House sales with mortgage have 33.8% share of all sales in Turkey. The most sales with mortgage is realized in Istanbul with 23 696. İstanbul is the first province in Turkey ranking that has most house sales with mortgage share with 24.8%. House sales with mortgage have 40.6% share of all sales in İstanbul. In the same quarter, 3 houses were sold with mortgage in Hakkari. In total sale of houses, the highest rate of mortgage sales was in Denizli with 41.8% and the lowest was in Bingöl with 2.4%.

In Turkey, 187 353 ownership of the houses changed by other sales

In the other sales, Istanbul is the first province with 34 622 sales and 18.5% share. Other house sales have 59.4% share of all house sales in Istanbul. Ankara is the second province with 19 835 sales. Ankara is followed by İzmir with 10 598 sales. In the same quarter, Ardahan is the least house sold province with 28 sales in the other sales category.

The publication date of the next press release related to this subject is 24 February 2014.


Mortgaged sales are demonstrating the same house as collateral to loan guarantee for houses purchased by borrowing. The other types of sales are the types that include sales and the other types of sales (excluding mortgaged sales).

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