BUFFALO, N.Y., Jan. 29, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In response to the growing number of companies who want to tap the promise of predictive analytics but don’t know where to start, or who need help executing their current efforts, TROVE, the predictive data science company, has made it faster, easier, and less expensive to benefit from predictive data science with its Proof of Concept Program. Starting today, companies needing to make their data more useful to improve business processes and financial results can contact TROVE to engage in a low-cost, high-return Proof of Concept software deployment marked by secure data integration and readiness to scale enterprise-wide.

“The predictive data science conversation is dominated by mega-platforms promising to be all things to all people, but our experience has shown that most companies don’t want to start by buying another expensive, often hard-to-integrate platform that duplicates a lot of the capabilities they already have in place,” said Ted Schultz, CEO of TROVE. “Instead, they want to see what predictive data science can actually do for them – what business results this technology can actually drive. Our Proof of Concept methodology offers a great launching pad – featuring a low cost of entry, little or no integration with other business systems, and a proven track record of high returns – for putting predictive data science software to work quickly on a meaningful business problem or set of problems.”

Over the last two years, TROVE has conducted several successful Proof of Concepts across various business use cases. A few highlights include:

  • Developing and deploying proprietary avian and lightning predictive models to help a major utility optimize the placement of avian guards and lightning arresters across its distribution grid;
  • Leveraging “survival modelling” used by epidemiologists to flag risk factors driving customer churn at a large digital home-services provider; and
  • Running thousands, then millions, of individual forecasts daily for a utility’s demand-response customers to better leverage this demand-side resource by more reliably predicting event performance.

In each case, TROVE’s data science team, the Science Squad™, worked closely with the client to focus on clear pain points in the business whose resolution was an imperative for the organization, applying a proven framework to expedite the process. With a finite business problem identified, the TROVE team worked closely with the client to ready the needed data and apply its predictive data science know-how and software, its Solvers™, to address the problem. From start to finish, Trove partners in a process that often takes as little as 60-90 days.

“We recently completed a Proof of Concept that netted our client a multi-million dollar return on a low six-figure investment,” said Isaias Sudit, Founder and Chief Business Development Officer at TROVE. “Often clients move onto another Proof of Concept after success with the first, a path many companies take until it becomes apparent that an enterprise-wide deployment of a true data-science platform is necessary to scale predictive capabilities to realize value across their business.”

TROVE Proof of Concepts deliver many benefits, including: low risk and cost, fast deployment and time-to-benefit, and strong ROI. Additionally, they require little or no system integration, enabling business units to explore predictive data science independent of IT; deliver improvements in data quality (nothing improves data like getting it ready for predictive analytics); and streamline the transition to enterprise-wide deployment. 

“TROVE’s ability to easily transition clients from a Proof of Concept to an enterprise deployment resonates very strongly with our clients,” added Sudit. “All the benefits gained from the Proof of Concept methodology and execution – the identification of priority pain points; the enhanced data; the knowledge, experience, and skill that result from using predictive data science; and the business improvements attained – all stay with the client, making it easier, faster and less expensive to operationalize predictive data science to continually mine value from data across the enterprise.”

For more information on TROVE Proof of Concepts, contact the company at info@trovedata.com.

TROVE Predictive Data Science, Inc. is an innovator in predictive data-science technology. The breakthrough TROVE Platform, which combines the best in scalability, open-source technology, data fusion, advanced data modeling, and consumer data, as well as data-science expertise and teamwork, makes data useful for the utility, smart-home, and other data-intensive industries. The company is headquartered in Buffalo, NY. For more information, please see www.trovedata.com.


Business inquiries:
Isaias Sudit, TROVE
(561) 501-0354

Media inquiries:
Dan Mees, Holland-Mark for TROVE
(617) 201-9131


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