As President-elect Donald Trump prepares to take office amidst calls for reshoring and growing American jobs, StateBook International releases a detailed snapshot of the nation’s 3,112 pro-Trump and pro-Clinton counties by education, occupation, income, poverty levels, age, race and ethnicity.

“Our report offers a rare look into the demographics of Pro-Trump & Pro-Clinton counties that are sure to evolve over the next 4 years under a new administration and Republican-controlled congress,” said Calandra Cruickshank, founder and CEO of StateBook International, Inc.

With President-elect Trump winning counties with the highest concentrations of people employed in production occupations and with middle to lower education levels and mid-level concentrations of wealth, the nation will be watching to see whether Trump can make good on his promises to double economic growth to over 4 percent and create 25 million new jobs in 10 years.

Yet, workforce skills gap issues, coupled with the need to update much of America’s national infrastructure, address tax and regulation issues, budget shortfalls and more will present significant challenges to the President-elect’s agenda.

As Trump strives to keep businesses operating within U.S. borders and to reshore operations from abroad, StateBook's comprehensive economic development data and mapping tools offers businesses, policymakers and economic development organizations a trusted source to access and analyze thousands of data points addressing their specific needs. These characteristics are all crucial to building sustainable companies and jobs and are details American counties rely on when implementing economic development best practices.

Download the report here:

StateBook International Background

StateBook International, Inc. provides companies a robust data platform for finding the best, most sustainable locations in the U.S. for their specific business needs, enabling direct connections to economic development organizations (EDOs) that represent communities of interest.

StateBook’s comprehensive, standardized economic data spans every community across the U.S., including data on workforce, supply chain, infrastructure, taxes, utility rates, incentives and quality of life. Data can be searched, filtered and compared across StateBook’s GIS mapping platform and used to create customized, sourced reports to support each company’s unique business requirements.

StateBook International allows access to both national and proprietary data sets as well as those from local markets and communities; ultimately, bringing deeper clarity to the site selection process. For more information visit