HOUSTON, Jan. 17, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The optometrists at Space Center Eye Associates, serving the Houston and Clear Lake areas, are now offering Optos technology for advanced retinal imaging. This innovative technology allows optometrists to view 80 percent of the eye’s retina in a single panoramic image. This results in more efficient diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases than when using traditional methods.

The Optos company introduced their retinal imaging system with state of the art ultra-widefield (UWF™) scanning laser technology to provide a digital photograph rapidly to practitioners. The goal is to increase support in analyzing, diagnosing, monitoring and documenting any ocular pathology that presents in the retina. Without the use of this ultra-widefield technology, eye disease and other issues could go undetected. Traditional eye exam techniques have a number of limitations that slow the process of assessment and diagnosis.

Dr. Keith Manuel of Space Center Eye Associates explains, “Traditional methods to examine the retina inside the eye work, but are sometimes difficult to complete. They are conducted manually and don’t offer an immediate digital record of the exam.”

Dr. Manuel continues, “In contrast, the Optos Daytona Ultra-Wide Field Retinal Imaging System gives us more than 80 percent of the retina in a single image. A comprehensive assessment of the area is possible. This process takes less than a minute and is extremely comfortable for the patient.”

Dr. Beth Robinson of Space Center Eye Associates adds, “The unique, ultra-wide view offered by this technology is unprecedented and enhances our ability to detect eye disease at its earliest stage. Being able to see the majority of the retina at once allows us to inform clients of their options in a more efficient, better-informed manner.”

Optos offers a suite of devices that feature ultra-widefield high resolution imaging technology for more efficient, accurate viewing of the retina. These devices offer simultaneous pole-to-periphery non-contact views of at least 200 degrees (80 percent) of the retina in a single sweep of image capture. The result is a patient friendly approach that can determine eye issues and the best course of treatment much more quickly than with traditional means.

Space Center Eye Associates is located in Suite 150 at 2323 Clear Lake City Boulevard in Houston, Texas. They service the Houston, Clear Lake and surrounding areas of Texas in achieving optimal vision and ongoing eye health for a lifetime. Anyone interested in finding out more about the innovative Optos Daytona Ultra-Wide Field Retinal Imaging system can call (281) 480-1002 or visit the Space Center Eye Associates website.

 Space Center Eye Associates, (281) 480-1002