The Soundboard Association (SBA) announced today the adoption and publication of its Code of Conduct for members who manufacture, resell and/or use soundboard technology in call centers.

“The SBA was formed in response to negative and frequently misleading press about soundboard technology, and its use in telemarketing and other call types,” said Art Coombs, president of the SBA. “The Code of Conduct confirms and details our commitment to both promote and protect the responsible use of soundboard technology in complete conformity with federal and state laws and regulations. Furthermore, it emphasizes our commitment to not engage in any practices intended to deceive or otherwise conceal the fact that the call center agent is using soundboard technology.”

In light of increasing consumer complaints, the Code of Conduct highlights the SBA’s commitment to not engage in “robocalling” in any form. Unlike robocall systems, soundboard technology does not replace “live agent” interaction; it instead provides a proxy voice through which live agents may interact with call recipients. Highly trained and skilled agents using soundboard technology remain able to converse with call recipients using their own voice, but may also converse using appropriate audio clips such that the consumer experiences a natural conversation. These agents converse with consumers throughout the entire call by listening to their comments, questions and responses, and then providing compliant and well-scripted statements.

“Soundboard also has numerous employment-related benefits, especially for individuals with health issues or disabilities. For example, a person with a speech impediment or other health or confidence issues that impede his or her ability to speak clearly or for long periods of time can, with a soundboard, converse using audio clips while maintaining the ability to interject his or her own voice or connect the call to a supervisor in the event the consumer asks a question for which no recorded response exists,” explained Coombs. “Similarly, an individual who speaks with an accent unfamiliar to the consumer can better assist the consumer. Without this technology, such people are often not employable as call center agents.”

For the full text of the SBA Code of Conduct, interested parties may visit

About the Soundboard Association

The Soundboard Association (SBA) was founded in 2015 with the mission to promote the use of soundboard technology across a broad array of industry platforms consistent with the highest standards of conduct in consumer engagement. The SBA is composed of both manufacturers and users of the technology. It was formed in response to negative and frequently misleading or inaccurate press about the technology and its use in telemarketing and for other purposes. The association’s goals include: (1) serving as the “moral compass” for the soundboard industry, and to that end supporting, teaching and encouraging the ethical use of soundboard technology; (2) educating and lobbying at both the local and national levels on behalf of soundboard regarding the ethical use of the technology and its value proposition to consumers; and (3) helping educate consumers on the technology and the positive benefits it affords them.