STORY: :: As the ANC looks set to lose its majority, one supporter says she'd marry the party if she could

:: Johannesburg, South Africa

:: May 30, 2024

:: Damarisa Tlale, ANC supporter

"I believe the ANC will never let me down. But I'm not denying that they haven't disappointed me but here in Magomane estates, I've been living here for five years and we hear many promises and we don't get any promises fulfilled. So when I go to vote, I go with the hope that the ANC will look after us here. I wish they could get us proper houses, and proper sanitation and also get electricity."

"I have so much trust and belief in the ANC. If I could marry an organization, I would marry the ANC."

For 44-year-old Damarisa Tlale, giving up on the ANC is not an option.

Coming from an ANC supporting family, Tlale says a lot has been done by the ANC to help black people. Even though she agrees many of their promises have not been delivered, she remains hopeful.

Tlale who is unemployed and living in an informal settlement with her two young daughters, says she was promised a house with proper sanitation and electricity but that hasn't happened yet.

"I believe the ANC will never let me down. But I'm not denying that they haven't disappointed me," she said.

While the party of the late Nelson Mandela looked likely to remain the largest political force, voters appeared to have punished the former liberation movement for years of decline.