PRODUCT RELEASE For details, contact:

Mark Vitellaro
Director, Strategic Marketing
Phone: (630) 208-2700

40W267 Keslinger Road

P.O. Box 307

LaFox, Illinois 60147-0307

Richardson RFPD Introduces Xinger®-III 3 dB Hybrid and Directional Couplers from Anaren 3rd Generation of Subminiature Components Dramatically Smaller; Offer Same Superior Power Handling, Insertion Loss

January 6, 2012 - LaFox, Illinois: Richardson RFPD, Inc. today announces immediate availability and full design support capabilities for the Xinger®-IIIline of components from Anaren. The Xinger-IIIline of 3 dB hybrid and directional couplers are the latest additions to Anaren's popular Xinger-brand of subminiature components for wireless infrastructure applications.
When compared to equivalently-sized parts from the previous generation, the new Xinger-IIIhybrid couplers offer 52-66% lower insertion loss (down to 0.12 dB), 5 times the power handling, 25-28% higher isolation, 63-71% better amplitude balance, and equal phase balance.
The Xinger-IIIdirectional couplers are one-fourth the size of the Xinger-II line and offer 37-64% lower insertion loss (down to 0.05 dB), 50% higher power handling, and equal directivity.
The Xinger-IIIparts are available as an option to customers who want the smaller footprint and performance gains to keep pace with next generation base station equipment designs; previous generations of Xinger models are still in production and available.

Xinger-IIIcomponents available now include: