PRINCETON, N.J., Jan. 30, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- For over a decade Response Scientific, Inc.® has been at the forefront of biotechnology innovation. Response Scientific's renowned scientific advisory board and personnel are focused on solving some of the most widespread health challenges that affect the quality of life for millions of people. Driven by the guidance of a reputable Scientific Advisory Committee, and CEO, Gregory D. Webster, Response Scientific's team has developed two new products that are moving closer to market.

"Our core mission is to improve people's lives through revolutionary new healthcare treatments," said Gregory Webster, CEO of Response Scientific. "When we look at solving problems, we look for opportunities that are affecting a large part of the population. Diabetes affects over 371 million people worldwide and is expected to affect 552 million by 2030. Response Scientific has developed a patented product for improved insulin resistance named Receptorex™, and is developing an orally administered, long-acting insulin by using a novel drug delivery system of protective microencapsulation."

The protective microencapsulation system is named Microvail™ and it creates microcapsules that protect protein and peptide-based drugs and micronutrients from being damaged by stomach acids and enzymatic degradation, including the peptide hormone, insulin.

"The Microvail™ technology addresses another big challenge, namely that many of the most promising micronutrients are poorly bioavailable. By using this Microvail™ technology, a higher percentage of nutrients is delivered into the bloodstream, thus revolutionizing the vitamin and supplement industries," continued Mr. Webster.

Response Scientific will use the Microvail™ technology to manufacture Microvail™ micronutrients (nutraceuticals) bringing a new level of bioavailability to the market. Webster said, "The Microvail™ nutraceutical strategy not only solves the absorption problem in the vitamin and supplement market, but also allows Response Scientific to move faster into the market."

Response Scientific is closing new investment rounds to support 2014 production and marketing development. The Microvail™ products will launch in the Canadian market this year and will utilize some of the new investment for marketing and distribution.

"We are very excited to bring Microvail™ to market this year," said Mr. Webster. "The supplement market is expected to reach $93 billion by 2015 in the U.S. alone, and the Microvail™ brand will be the only product to offer improved efficacy and assure a never-before-seen level of bioavailability."

About Response Scientific

Response Scientific is an innovative research company at the forefront of developing revolutionary new healthcare treatments. Response Scientific is the developer of the breakthrough Microvail™ products, highly bioavailable microencapsulated micronutrients proven to deliver more contents into the bloodstream. They are also the developer of Receptorex™, a patented medical food candidate that lowers the amount of insulin required to maintain healthy glucose levels. Response Scientific is located in Princeton, New Jersey and can be reached at (609) 228-5788 or

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         Hitman, Inc. | (212) 300.6026