Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "The Overview of Japanese CRO Market 2015" report to their offering.

This report presents an overview of the CRO (contract research organization) market in Japan. By reading this report, end-users will gain an overall picture of the Japanese CRO market, including the market size trend, major CRO players, and competitive difference between local and global CROs.

The Japanese CRO market has been expanding for the past 10 years, and in 2013 reached a total size of ¥137 billion. Approximately 90% of total market is for pharmaceutical drugs.

There are approximately 50 companies in the CRO market. EPS, CMIC, Quintiles, Parexel, and Mediscience Planning are seen as the top 5 players in the market.

While foreign pharmaceutical firms initially started to use CROs, nowadays, it has become more common that Japanese firms have worked with CROs than before. In the past several years, Quintile and Parexel grew significantly, and it is seen that they have finally caught up to the two largest Japanese firms. Both companies entered in Japanese CRO industry in the early stage, and they accumulated knowledge and local business practices and local resources over time. Now, they seem to grow more at an accelerated pace, utilizing the strength of glocal CROs.

While the ration of outsourcing clinical trial related works to CROs in U.S. is over 50%, it is said that the ratio in Japan is still around 20%. We can expect steady growth in Japanese CRO market for a while.

The key to success for a CRO in Japan is to secure resources and strategic alliance with pharmaceutical companies. The survey conducted by the consulting company shows that more than half of companies use a strategic partnership model, and also the report says that a more positive perception of outsourcing effectiveness within the biopharma industry has increased in the last three years.

As a result, top 2 global CROs, Quintiles and Parexel, are seen to exceed Japanese rivals and dominate Japanese CRO market in the future, as they have global reach and capability. Small and mid sized CROs will not be able to survive eventually, without M&A. Japanese CRO market is unique and tough enough, not to be able to survive without investment.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Summary

2. Definition of CRO market

3. Market size

4. Rational necessity for pharma to use CRO

5. Industry Association

6. Major CRO companies

7. Mediscience Planning

8. Market trend

9. Future outlook

Companies Mentioned

- A2 Healthcare




- inVentiv Health

- Mediscience Planning


- Parexel

- Quintiles

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