Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of Dedalus Consulting Inc's new report "Ceramic Resonators - Global Markets, End-Users & Competitors: 2013-2018 Analysis & Forecasts" to their offering.

This report is a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the world market for ceramic resonators - in particular passive and electromechanical.

Both quantitative and qualitative analyses are presented by product type. A detailed Technology Overview provides valuable information on product types, materials, output types and connector/packaging, as well as recent advancements in frequency control technology trends and competitive analogs.

The report contains detailed market data including market by value (US$Millions), volume (UnitsMillions) and average selling price (US$/Unit). Specific quantative analysis tables include product markets by region, application, end-user industry, connector type, packaging type, and competitive supplier sales/market share. Data and analysis include: size of total market opportunity; market forecasts in regional and end-use markets; competition by product type.

Data is given for the years 2012-2018 by year with 2012 as the base year and 2018 as the forecast year.

Scope of Coverage


- Study Objectives

- Methodology & Sources

- Statistical Notes

Products Covered

- Ceramic Resonators Passive

- Ceramic Resonators Electromechanical

- Other

Each Individual Product Report comes with:

- Technology Overview

- Industry Overview

- Applicable Product section (i.e., SAW Devices)

Geographic Scope

- US

- Germany

- France

- UK

- Other Europe

- Japan

- China

- Korea

- Taiwan

- Other Asia/Pacific

- Other NAFTA

- Rest of World

Applications & End-User Industries

- Dielectric Resonating Oscillators (DRO)

- Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCO)


- Cellular and Wireless Communications

- Bandpass/Bandstop Filters

- Narrowband/Delay Filters

- EMI Filtering

- and more...

For more information visit

Source: Dedalus Consulting Inc

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