HealthMarkets Insurance Agency (“HealthMarkets”), a leading health insurance agency that has helped enroll Americans in more than two million insurance plans since the introduction of the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”), today unveils #OurCare, a new tool that aims to cut through the rhetoric relating to America’s health care system to help the public communicate what it really wants in health care reform.

What is #OurCare?

#OurCare, which is available at, enables consumers, health care professionals and business owners alike to build their own health care “bill” and share with state and federal representatives. Specifically, by inputting their preferences regarding what our national health care system should look like, these stakeholders can generate a faux “bill” that gives voice to their views. It can also be used by educators to teach students how health care reform really works.

“We are standing at the precipice of what is expected to be another massive overhaul of the health care industry,” said Michael Z. Stahl, HealthMarkets’ Sr. Vice President. “Unfortunately the path from what we have to what’s next is not clear. Too often, this debate seems to be shaped by party politics, so we decided to create a non-partisan tool that will allow members of the public to communicate their views about the health care system directly to their representatives.”

How does #OurCare work?

#OurCare is designed to be a simple, straight-forward online questionnaire that gives the user a brief overview of the key issues surrounding health care reform, and offers several possible “solutions” that have been proposed by industry leaders and government officials. Users also have the option to write-in their own ideas, and can even review and endorse “bills” that have been generated by other users.

Upon completion, each bill can be shared directly through social media channels or sent to state and federal representatives. #OurCare features a “Tweet to Trump” function that enables users to send their bill directly to the President.

Continued Stahl, “Fixing a three trillion-dollar industry isn’t easy, but what we need is open and honest dialogue around what a successful health care industry should look like and how we bridge the gap between the ACA and whatever might replace it. As a leading distributor of individual/family health insurance in America, we hope to play a part in giving voice to this movement. Members of the public should be able to let politicians know what they want their health care system to look like. In the end it’s not ObamaCare. It’s not TrumpCare. It’s OurCare.”

Join HealthMarkets in the #OurCare movement by going to There, you can B.Y.O.B … Build Your Own Bill, which lets you determine what you would include in health care legislation. You can then share your health care bill with friends, family, your favorite politicians in Washington, or tweet your bill directly to President Trump.

Build Your Own Bill and make your voice heard today at:

Facebook: @OurCareBill
Twitter: @ourcarebill

About HealthMarkets:

HealthMarkets Insurance Agency, the d/b/a of Insphere Insurance Solutions, Inc., is one of the largest independent health insurance agencies in the United States and is authorized to sell health insurance in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. We distribute health, Medicare, life and supplemental insurance products from more than 200 insurance companies, including national carriers, with thousands of plans available nationwide to individuals and families, seniors, small business owners and their employees.

For more information, please visit