Relecura, Inc., a developer of advanced patent research and analysis tools, announced today the release of a suite of three new modules that incorporate knowledge management into its popular IP analytics platform.

The new modules enable patent managers, subject matter experts, business executives, investors, inventors, and others to conduct a structured drill-down view of patent portfolios, and to capture and reuse that knowledge. This more efficient use of information facilitates collaboration and flexibility, as it automates portfolio management and reporting tasks.

Taxonomy Builder

The Taxonomy Builder is an artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted knowledge management system for capturing, organizing and reusing the analysis of subject matter experts. Over time, it evolves into a dynamic knowledge-base for experts to build on. It transforms into a transparent and flexible repository of information for relevant technologies. IP professionals can re-use this information for analyzing and managing patent portfolios without conducting new searches.

Portfolio Manager

Portfolio Manager integrates with the Taxonomy Builder and the knowledge-base created by subject matter experts. It helps in mapping patent portfolios to technologies of interest. The combination of the knowledge-base and the Portfolio Manager provide a structured view of patent portfolios. Portfolios may either be viewed individually or compared to others in the same domain. The structured view offers quick drill-down and greater detail on various sub-technologies.

Automated Reports

The Automated Reports module may be configured with tailored content for different groups within the organization and externally for senior management, consultants or lawyers. It automates regular reporting and becomes a channel for IP professionals to communicate with their management and external clients.

“The new modules are a product of listening closely to our users, tracking the changing needs of the IP industry and addressing them,” said George Koomullil, Relecura’s Founder & CEO. “The Relecura platform, introduced in 2010, is a comprehensive IP search, analytics and intelligence tool. The new capabilities allow it to also be an enterprise-wide productivity and knowledge management solution.”

About Relecura, Inc.

Relecura, Inc. is a developer of advanced IP research and analytics platforms that provide a new generation of intuitive, flexible patent search tools. Relecura’s products rely on knowledge discovery and machine learning to simplify patent searches and patent portfolio analysis. The platform facilitates dynamic visualization of large data sets of patents and prior art, and enables technology developers, corporate executives, investors and others to make informed IP decisions.

Relecura, Inc., founded in 2009, offers custom enterprise solutions and platforms to Fortune 500 and other corporations, law firms, IP services providers, R&D organizations and academic institutions. The company is based in Pleasanton, CA, near San Francisco, and Bangalore, India. For more information visit