ReferralExchange, the leader in real estate referrals, has expanded the company’s referral offerings with ReferralExchange LIVE, a service that helps agents make the most of their network by verifying and qualifying contacts acquired through their third-party lead generation efforts. The service makes it easy to see at a glance which contacts should be pursued. After the verification process, agents can decide whether to work the leads themselves, or have ReferralExchange either qualify or refer them on their behalf.

“ReferralExchange network members told us that they were ‘drowning’ in leads from third party sources and one of their biggest challenges was identifying which ones were truly interested in transacting,” said Scott Olsen, CEO of ReferralExchange. "We have used the power of our data science combined with our well-trained outreach team to support the lead-to-close process — helping agents manage their business at all points in a lead's lifecycle -- with much less stress and aggravation.”

Many agents purchase third-party leads but aren’t always able to spend the time developing these contacts to their maximum value. By saving agents the first steps of lead verification, ReferralExchange LIVE enables agents to immediately hone their focus. For those who want to have leads developed or referred, ReferralExchange seamlessly works as an extension of an agent’s brand, giving every agent the benefit of a licensed professional at their service to further qualify and nurture leads. ReferralExchange consistently closes three times the national average of leads because it combines proprietary data science with the power of a well-trained team who make over five million calls each year. This service gives agents more time to build relationships and serve clients.

ReferralExchange LIVE has three primary components:

Lead verification: ReferralExchange uses proprietary scrubbing technology to quickly figure out which of an agents’ third party, raw leads are real and which are not.

Lead readiness: ReferralExchange’s licensed customer service team calls leads using a proven system that qualifies them and determines their readiness to transact. A live transfer sends them directly back to the agent via phone.

Lead transaction: Once a lead has been verified as real and ready to transact, the agent may decide whether or not to complete the deal themselves, or refer it to ReferralExchange’s network. ReferralExchange has over 25,000 experienced agents around the country.

“We’ve designed this system for maximum flexibility and control,” added Olsen. “It augments an agent’s existing lead generation programs and the agent can decide how they want to handle each lead.”

About ReferralExchange

ReferralExchange, the nation’s top real estate referral company, is dedicated to creating great real estate experiences between real estate professionals and customers. Founded in 2005, ReferralExchange has built an invite-only network of over 25,000 top-performing Realtors. In 2018, the network created over 250,000 agent-to-consumer matches. Learn more at