NEW YORK, Jan. 27, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Below are experts from the ProfNet network who are available to discuss timely issues in your coverage area.

You can also submit a query to the hundreds of thousands of experts in our network - it's easy and free! Just fill out the query form to get started:


    --  Liver Disease Awareness and Information
    --  Are Wearables Wearing out Their Usefulness?
    --  How to Stay Positive for Valentine's Day If You're Single
    --  Valentine's Day: The Gift of Poetry


    --  Copy Editor - LevFin Insights (NY)
    --  Reporter - SeattlePI (WA)
    --  Legal Content Writer - PacerMonitor (NY)


    --  5 Things to Know About Branded Content
    --  5 Essential Tips Every Beginner Photographer Should Know
    --  Blog Profiles: Home Improvement Blogs


Liver Disease Awareness and Information
Thomas F. Nealon, III
Chief Executive Officer
American Liver Foundation
"Nationally, an estimated 30% of Americans have at least one of the more than 100 types of liver disease. No matter your age, ethnic background and socioeconomic status, anyone can be affected by liver disease. No one can live without a liver, but it's easy to for people to overlook its importance and the role it plays to keep you healthy. As a result, people often do not think to ask their doctor to conduct screening tests. Additionally, people think only those who abuse alcohol, drugs or have multiple sexual partners or unprotected sex are at risk of developing liver disease. In reality, many liver diseases are not caused by drug or alcohol use or sexual intercourse. This stigma may prevent people living with liver disease from seeking treatment and living a full life. With the rates of liver disease rising, it is imperative that we educate people about their liver, the importance of liver wellness and how to get screened for liver disease if you are at risk."
Nealon is available to speak about the impact of the more than 100 types of liver disease, including non-alcohol fatty liver disease, hepatitis A, B and C, liver cancer and biliary atresia, on patients, families and the U.S. health system. He is based in Miami.
Contact: Jennifer Glicoes,

Are Wearables Wearing out Their Usefulness?
Sam Salbi
Analysts project that more than 274 million wearables will be sold worldwide in 2017, suggesting a booming market for the fitness trackers that monitor our activity, movements, even heart rates, sleeping patterns and moods. However, nearly two thirds stop using them after six months -- in many cases because the novelty waned, or, as in others, because people realized there's more to weight loss than counting calories and steps. Says Salbi: "In order for wearables to make a meaningful and long-term impact, they need to help users make sense of their numbers, map out personal treatment paths, and increase motivation by offering challenges and rewards. The future is in being able to plug them into a broader framework -- a kind of health-based Operating System (OS) - that aggregates and interprets your data, giving users unprecedented visibility into and control over their health and well-being."
Salbi is the CEO of FitLyfe, developers of custom-built population health and wellness automation solutions that increase utilization and improve outcomes through personalized engagement. Prior to FitLyfe, he was the founder of BSoft Solutions, where he architected multiple award winning, patented enterprise systems for Fortune 500 companies. He holds a Mechanical Engineering degree and a Master of Science in Data Modeling/Warehousing from DePaul University in Chicago.
Contact: Charles Epstein,

How to Stay Positive for Valentine's Day If You're Single
Chandra Johnson
Assistant Professor, College of Counseling, Psychology and Social Sciences
Argosy University, Atlanta
Johnson is available to discuss ways in which you can be positive for Valentine's Day even if you're single: "Being single in a couples' world can be tough any day of the year. From movies to commercials to social media, we are constantly reminded that life is intended to be shared with a significant other. Living in a couples' world can unintentionally ostracize those who are uncoupled. If not careful, these individuals can begin to equate their relationship status to their self-worth and significance. Valentine's Day can be especially hard for singles on the one day that is sensationalized to recognize romantic love. For singles who typically find themselves struggling around this time of year, it is important to remember that Valentine's Day is one day out of 365 days."
Contact: Carole Carr,

Valentine's Day: The Gift of Poetry
Diana Raab, Ph.D.
Writing/Poetry Expert
Skip the flowers, candy and jewelry this Valentine's Day and invest in a romantic, meaningful gift that doesn't cost anything - writing a love poem, says Raab: "Now, more than ever, we need to instill love in our lives. One way to do so is to write poetry, which is the voice of the soul. Writing a love poem is a way of celebrating your love for someone, especially if you have trouble expressing yourself face-to-face."
Raab in an award-winning author, memoirist, poet, blogger and educator. Her recent poetry book, "Lust," is a perfect Valentine's Day gift. Her forthcoming book, "Writing for Bliss," is due out in September (Loving Healing Press). Her original, unpublished articles on "How to Write a Love Poem," "The Revival of the Handwritten Love Letter" and "5 Tips for Reading Love Poems" are available for publication. "Writing for Bliss: A Seven-Step Plan for Telling Your Story and Transforming Your Life" is her eighth book. In addition to these books, she has written more than 1,000 articles and poems; and is the editor of two anthologies, "Writers on the Edge" and "Writers and Their Notebooks." Her two memoirs are "Regina's Closet: Finding My Grandmother's Secret Journal" and "Healing With Words: A Writer's Cancer Journey." She holds workshops in writing for healing and transformation, and is a regular blogger for Psychology Today, Huffington Post (Huff50), and PsychAlive. She is based in Southern California.
Contact: Beth Brody,


Following are links to job listings for staff and freelance writers, editors and producers. You can view these and more job listings on our Job Board:

    --  Copy Editor - LevFin Insights (NY)
    --  Reporter - SeattlePI (WA)
    --  Legal Content Writer - PacerMonitor (NY)


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