PHOENIX, Jan. 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Do Not Peek Entertainment is excited to announce that after a brief holiday hiatus, Red Sky City: Cyberpunk Conspiracy will return Wednesday January 6th, 2021. Red Sky City is a Cyberpunk RED Tabletop roleplaying game show featuring on-camera talent from the esports community, starring Alex “Goldenboy” Mendez, Rachel “Seltzer” Quirico, Brennon Hook and Josh “Sideshow” Wilkinson, with Joseph “TormentedByGnomes” Carothers as Game Master.

Set in the same universe as Cyberpunk 2077, Red Sky City takes place thirty-two years before that game. Four down-on-their-luck edgerunners run afoul of a conspiracy involving powerful corporations plotting to reassert their control over the resurgent governments of the world. Alex “Goldenboy” Mendez plays Monarch, a sociopathic vigilante with a fragile ego, who protects the downtrodden through extreme violence. Rachel “Seltzer” Quirico returns as Natalie Smiff, a loyal corporate stooge with a cheerful personality, big ambitions, and a surprisingly high bodycount. Brennon plays Jerax Ashwater, a cybertech surgeon who’s taken up hacking in order to bring back his twin brother, whose mind was lost to a powerful AI. Josh “Sideshow” Wilkinson is Jim Fingers, a scheming power broker who’s combating the mysterious “Deep Six” conspiracy with one hand and building an empire of mercenaries and criminals with the other.

In Phase Two of Red Sky City, the team will depart Night City in search of a mysterious cargo ship lost for decades in the Pacific Ocean, in hope of finding the secrets of the Arasaka corporation’s research into digital immortality.

Cyberpunk RED, created by Mike Pondsmith & R Talsorian Games, is the latest edition of the Cyberpunk tabletop roleplaying game. The first edition was published in 1987. Since then, the Cyberpunk RPG has been a powerful cultural influence on the Cyberpunk genre, leading all the way up to their collaboration with CD Projekt Red on Cyberpunk 2077.

Red Sky City is produced by Do Not Peek Entertainment, a full service gaming and esports production company. With prior experience broadcasting tabletop gaming shows, Red Sky City represents the first Actual Play series officially produced under Do Not Peek’s banner. Do Not Peek was founded by Jason Baker and Scott Smith, esports veterans with decades of combined esports production experience.

Red Sky City will air live Wednesday the 6th at 5pm pacific on with special guests Kelly Link and Erik “DoA” Lonniquist, with our full cast returning Wednesday the 13th. You can watch past episodes at

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