While news of delivery delays and COVID-induced interruptions flooded the inboxes of business managers this holiday season, PFL customers enjoyed on-time deliveries during their busiest season.

“Customers have told us that other direct mail vendors sent emails notifying their customers that holiday shipments would be delayed,” said Nick Runyon, CMO of PFL. “Meanwhile, PFL customers enjoyed 100% on-time shipment and delivery in Q4 and for that, we thank our shipping partners.”

PFL is celebrating their customers’ success by thanking FedEx, UPS and USPS for their long-standing partnership this month. “Our customers are sophisticated marketers from brands like Salesforce, SAP and Zoom,” said Andrew Field, CEO and Founder of PFL. “These companies are only going to spend their marketing dollars on what works, and our partners are a critical part of the process. PFL would like to thank our shipping partners for a very successful year, delivering on time for all of our customers.”

PFL is celebrating 25 years of business after getting started as an online commercial printer. They have built strong shipping partnerships with companies like FedEx, UPS and the United States Postal Service from the beginning. PFL’s history of manufacturing excellence has allowed the company to successfully pivot into the leading Tactile Marketing Automation SaaS company, while others in the industry are struggling to put the pieces together.

The Tactile Marketing Automation category is growing with new SaaS offerings for direct mail automation are entering the space every day. “Knitting together software solutions is only half of the challenge,” says Field. “Manufacturing and the logistics involved with orchestrating direct mail as part of an otherwise digital marketing journey create an incredibly complex process. We make ‘complex’ easy for our customers.”

A key feature of PFL’s Tactile Marketing Automation software is the delivery notification feature supported by shipping partners. “When a tactile marketing piece is delivered, our customers receive a notification of that delivery within 15 minutes, allowing salespeople to place a timely phone call and create a remarkable brand experience,” said Field.

Shipments can’t leave the facility on time if they aren’t created on time, and PFL customers have excellent workplace safety protocols to thank for their speedy shipments. The Montana Governor’s office has celebrated the PFL Manufacturing Management Team for its COVID response, allowing its 24/7 facility to continue operations uninterrupted in 2020.

Following social distancing instructions from state and national leaders, PFL continues to keep a safe work environment. Employees able to work from home are doing so, and special measures have been taken to ensure the health and wellbeing of manufacturing employees remaining on-site in the Livingston location.

About PFL

PFL is the leading provider of Tactile Marketing Automation. With over 12,000 active customers, PFL provides sales enablement and marketing automation solutions that accelerate revenue and drive business forward. The company is co-headquartered in Livingston, Montana, and Indianapolis, Indiana.