Greetings from PCS Edventures! (PCSV)

A few notes of follow-up to my January 4 update. First, please join us all at PCS as we welcome Murali Ranganathan to our Board of Directors. Mr. Ranganathan brings a wealth of financial expertise to PCS and is looking forward to helping us develop our strategic plan for FY2014 and assuming the role of Audit Committee Chair. You can see an extended description of his experience in the Board of Directors section of our Investor Relations website.

Other news:

Congratulations to Krystal Wright who has been officially named to the role of PCS Controller. The Board and Management has complete faith in her skills and demonstrated long-term commitment to PCSV.

Our Press Release last week announced preliminary numbers from our third quarter ended December 31st, 2012 - a 63% increase over FY2012 Q3. We're excited about delivering continued good news to our shareholders and are now 17 days into our final quarter for this fiscal year. We'll keep you posted as good news comes in!

Our investor relations program continues to bring more eyes to PCSV. Our Investorials partner is publishing analysis and raising awareness of PCSV, and we also had more coverage on MoneyTV last week highlighting our Q3 preliminary results and strategic planning for the coming year. You can listen to the interview on the MoneyTV site.

We have three primary International initiatives underway right now and look forward to growth in these areas:

1) India. We formed a partnership with Creya Learning in 2011 and they continue to demonstrate commitment to bringing PCS products and experiential learning to India. Creya has an active sales force placing programs into private schools around the country. Learn more details on our IR website India Initiative page.

2) Saudi Arabia. PCS reported revenues of $100K in Q1 this year from Saudi Arabia resulting from STEM education consulting and planning. Because of our successful performance there in Q1, I feel we are well positioned to compete for additional work. Learn more about our Saudi projects on our IR website Saudi Arabia Initiative page.

3) South Africa. We are in the early stages of developing a presence in South Africa and will be posting more information this quarter on our potential partner and our strategy there.

That's all for now! Next week, I'll provide a brief update our Learning Center initiative and the week of the 28th an update on our afterschool initiative and PCS Robotics.

Have a great weekend and stay tuned for more good news.

Best wishes,

Robert Grover

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