Toronto, Ontario, Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Opportunity For All Youth announced the launch of InterviewME, a new centralized online job hiring portal designed to connect youth across Canada to local job opportunities, hiring events and interview coaching.

Whether employers have hiring needs in Western or Atlantic Canada, this platform provides streamlined access to a talent pool of youth that are ready to break into the job market. 

Through a digital network of seven regional coordinators stationed in employment centres from coast to coast, InterviewME aims to connect 600 young people with jobs and job-ready training by this spring.

The initiative supports the federal government’s post-pandemic economic recovery efforts to get Canada’s youth back to work.

“Nearly one in five youth in Canada are unemployed. Youth remain by far the furthest from full economic recovery compared to every other age group,” said Angela Simo Brown, lead executive at Opportunity For All Youth. “The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified existing barriers for youth who are trying to break into the job market. InterviewME is a unique digital platform and tool that builds new bridges between this valuable youth talent pool and the employers who seek their skill sets.” 

Opportunity For All Youth will be leveraging its employer partners, including Walmart Canada, O2E Brands, The Home Depot and Maple Leaf Foods to provide skills-building job opportunities to young job seekers across Canada. The program is actively seeking more employer partners to increase the number of jobs available for youth. 

 “As a founding member of the Opportunity For All Youth employer coalition, Walmart Canada is committed to providing job opportunities in safe environments to help with economic recovery for youth under 30. An investment in youth is an investment in Canada’s economy”, said Matthew Hale, senior manager, talent acquisition at Walmart Canada. 

“InterviewME is our latest innovation in our earnest commitment to create better youth futures through bold action and scalable solutions. Early work experience and skills are critical to future opportunities and earning potential for youth, and we need more employers to join our mission,” said Simo Brown. 

The interviewME jobs portal is open to all youth between the ages of 15 and 29 and offers guaranteed interviews for open early talent roles across Canada.

This initiative is funded by the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment and Skills Strategy program. 


About Opportunity For All Youth

Opportunity for All Youth is Canada’s only employer-led youth hiring coalition that helps  young people who face barriers find meaningful jobs and build skills, experience and confidence. Our goal is to change the youth employment system in Canada so that it works better for everyone, from young job seekers and the community services organizations who support them, to the businesses who hire and invest in them.

Youth that are looking for work can visit the InterviewME jobs portal at

Employers who are interested in the benefits of joining Opportunity For All Youth’s employer coalition are encouraged to contact Angela Simo Brown at

Nina Rafeek
Opportunity For All Youth