ARLINGTON, VA, Jan. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, the Commerce Department’s International Trade Administration launched a new program to track aluminum trade flows. The Aluminum Import Monitoring and Analysis (AIM) system will serve as an early warning mechanism to help spot trends and shifts in trade flows that might warrant industry or government action. The new program is a long-standing policy priority of the U.S. aluminum industry and the Aluminum Association.

“This is great news for U.S. aluminum companies and workers,” said Tom Dobbins, president & CEO of the Aluminum Association. “The AIM program will help us to more quickly and fully understand trends in the aluminum market and, as appropriate, push back on countries that fail to follow the rules and laws that govern global trade.”

In a tweet announcing the program, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said, “The new program will enable Commerce and the public to better detect potential transshipment and circumvention involving aluminum products – helping to ensure that domestic producers can compete on a level playing field.”

The new AIM system website is operational and accepting online license applications starting today at AIM licenses will be required for importers of covered aluminum products starting on January 25.  The system will cover aluminum products under HTS codes 7601, 7604, 7605, 7606, 7607, 7608, 7609, 7616.99.51.60, and 7616.99.51.70 – matching the original scope of the Section 232 aluminum tariff program. Information gathered from these licenses will be aggregated and posted on the import monitoring section of the AIM system website. The new program was outlined in a Final Rule issued by the Commerce Department on December 23. 

“We appreciate the hard work of the Commerce Department and our congressional supporters for helping us make this program a reality,” added Dobbins. “Now comes the hard work of making sure that the program is effective – ensuring that the data is accurate, timely and actionable. The Aluminum Association and our members look forward to working with the department to ensure that the program bolsters critical aluminum trade enforcement efforts which will help keep U.S. aluminum companies competitive.”

Monitoring across the North American region will also be critical. In 2019, Canada announced an expansion of its import monitoring system to include aluminum and aluminum products. Mexico made a similar commitment to “prevent the importation of aluminum and steel that is unfairly subsidized and/or sold at dumped prices” and “establish an agreed-upon process for monitoring aluminum and steel trade between them” but has not yet acted to formally monitor aluminum imports into Mexico, a step the Aluminum Association has encouraged. As demonstrated by recent antidumping and countervailing duty investigations and preliminary decisions, the industry is particularly concerned about the surge of unfairly-traded flat-rolled aluminum imports in North America that are distorting the market. Imports of aluminum sheet and plate from China into Mexico have increased by nearly 150 percent in the past year and more than 1,700 percent since 2014.    


About The Aluminum Association
The Aluminum Association represents aluminum production and jobs in the United States, ranging from primary production to value added products to recycling, as well as suppliers to the industry. The association is the industry’s leading voice, representing companies that make 70 percent of the aluminum and aluminum products shipped in North America. The association develops global standards, business intelligence, sustainability research and industry expertise for member companies, policymakers and the general public. The aluminum industry helps manufacturers produce sustainable and innovative products, including more fuel-efficient vehicles, recyclable packaging, greener buildings and modern electronics.  In the U.S., the aluminum industry supports $172 billion in economic activity and nearly 660,000 jobs. For more information visit, on Twitter @AluminumNews or at

Matt Meenan
Aluminum Association