More than a third (36%) of Christmas ‘Click & Collect’ shoppers encountered issues with their ‘Click & Collect’ orders, according to the second annual JDA/Centiro Christmas Customer Pulse report (conducted online by YouGov) (tweet this). Of those that encountered any of the issues listed, not having a dedicated area in-store for ‘Click & Collect’ purchases (31%), long waiting times due to lack of in-store staff (31%) and staff being unable to / taking a long time to locate items in-store (24%) were cited as the primary reasons that potentially had a negative impact on Christmas ‘Click & Collect’ customers’ shopping experience (tweet this).

Overall, problems with online orders continued to impact retailers over the festive period, with 33% of online Christmas shoppers stating they had experienced issues with their purchases (an increase from 31% the previous year*) (tweet this). Of those shoppers that had encountered any of the problems listed, 48% had suffered from late deliveries or never received their goods; a further 48% had suffered from missed deliveries, including when they were at home. Unsurprisingly, more than three-quarters (77%) of Brits online said they would be likely to switch to shopping with an alternative retailer next Christmas as a result of a poor online Christmas shopping experience (tweet this).

“While online retail continues to see unprecedented growth in the UK, Christmas shoppers continued to be plagued with problems concerning their online orders. While issues with home deliveries are nothing new, more worrying for many retailers is that this Christmas exposed cracks in their ‘Click & Collect’ operations,” said Jason Shorrock, vice president of retail strategy at JDA. “Shoppers are showing a growing preference for ‘Click & Collect’ as it offers them the convenience they crave and it is vital that retailers get it right. However, without the effective management of staff, stores and inventory, retailers risk damaging customer relationships. Ironically, at a time when the online channel continues to grow, the in-store experience is becoming ever more important. As the survey findings show, today’s online customer has no qualms about taking their business elsewhere if retailers don’t meet their expectations.”

Despite problems, ‘Click & Collect’ continues to grow in popularity

Despite the perceived issues, the research highlighted that a growing number (41%) of online Christmas shoppers opted to use ‘Click & Collect’ services this Christmas compared to 2014 (39%*) (tweet this). Furthermore, of those respondents that used ‘Click & Collect’ services this Christmas, nearly 1 in 4 (24%) said they would use ‘Click & Collect’ more next Christmas, 56% said they used Click & Collect to avoid delivery charges, while 49% said it was more convenient than home delivery (tweet this). A quarter of online Christmas shoppers (25%) said they chose to shop specifically with a retailer that offered ‘Click & Collect’ over one that solely offered home delivery (tweet this).

Product availability and ordering deadlines

Product availability also dictated online Christmas shoppers buying behaviour – 12% of online Christmas shoppers said they shopped with an alternative retailer, as a result of their preferred one not having the items they needed online (tweet this). A further 9% said they shopped with an alternative retailer, as their preferred one didn’t have delivery times that suited them. The online research also revealed that nearly a quarter (23%) of online Christmas shoppers ordered items earlier than planned, as a result of ordering deadlines mandated by retailers. Interestingly, nearly a fifth (19%) said that Christmas ordering deadlines meant they shopped in-store as opposed to online (tweet this).

“Today’s online customer is now demanding shorter order-to-delivery windows, and greater choice over where and when goods are delivered. For retailers, this means ensuring they have full visibility over their inventory and their delivery networks. In the lead up to Christmas, many retailers added much more delivery capacity to deal with spikes in demand, but it is clear customer expectations still aren’t being met. It is also evident that retailers need greater insight into their carrier networks so they can offer more flexible and convenient delivery options,” said Niklas Hedin, CEO of Centiro.

Impact of Christmas sales events

Over the last few years, online sales events such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday have grown in popularity. Indeed, the research highlighted that 49% of online Christmas shoppers did at least some of their online Christmas shopping during sales events (tweet this). Of those respondents, 10% said not all the items in their basket were still available by the time they reached the online checkout; while 8% said they didn't want an item once it was received, so they returned it (tweet this).

"The anecdotal evidence is that retailers coped a lot better when it came to pre-Christmas sales events this year, as they were able to spread demand over a week rather than single day. However, such events do encourage ‘impulse buying' that has an impact on product availability and growing return volumes. These issues continue to pose questions of retailers’ supply chains, and will ultimately dictate if they had a successful Christmas and a profitable New Year,” added Shorrock.

To download the JDA/Centiro Christmas Customer Pulse 2016 report, click here.

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2,008 adults in 2015 and fieldwork was undertaken between 29th - 30th December 2015. Total sample size was 2,398 adults in 2014 and fieldwork was undertaken between 29th – 30th December 2014. The surveys were carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+). The research was commissioned by JDA.

*JDA Christmas Customer Pulse Report 2015

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At JDA, we’re fearless leaders. We’re the leading provider of end-to-end, integrated retail, omni-channel and supply chain planning and execution solutions for more than 4,000 customers worldwide. Our unique solutions empower our clients to reduce costs, increase profitability and improve collaboration so they can deliver on their customer promises every time. Using JDA, you can plan to deliver.

About Centiro

Founded in 1998, Centiro is a leading innovator in cloud-based transportation, logistics and delivery management solutions. Today, Centiro’s products are used by companies in over 105 countries and the company is also listed as a Great Place to Work®. For further information, please visit

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