January 22, 2015


the voice of the sorghum industry

U.S. Sorghum Growers Encouraged to Supply China's Growing Demand

The price of sorghum has surpassed corn in some parts of the U.S. due to a tremendous increase in exports to China over the last year. With sorghum prices on the rise, U.S. farmers will likely be encouraged to plant more acres in the near future. The Wall Street Journal this week, called sorghum the latest hot crop for U.S. farmers. To read the full article, click here.

DuPont Pioneer Introduces New Sorghum Hybrids for 2015

DuPont Pioneer announced this week its 2015 sorghum hybrids, including Pioneer hybrid 83P56, Pioneer hybrid 83P73, and Pioneer hybrid 84P72. These varieties will offer producers a strong yield potential, improved performance, a collection of defensive trait packages, and adaptability to both irrigated and dryland acres for growers in south and central Texas and the High Plains regions of Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska, according to the release. Click here to read more about the new DuPont Pioneer varieties.

Mark Your Calendars for Sorghum U in Perryton, Texas

The 2015 edition of Sorghum U in Texas will take place in Perryton, Texas, Jan. 28 at Frank Phillips College. Growers can expect an agenda full of tips and tricks focused on agronomic practices, the farm bill and more. For more information about the event and to register, please visit

Kansas Senator Appointed to Chair Appropriations Subcommittee on  Agriculture

U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) was recently selected as chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies.

Prior to being elected to the U.S. Senate, Moran served 14 years on the U.S. House Agriculture Committee and was chairman of the Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management. Senator Moran plans to focus on policies vital to Kansas farmers and ranchers, like agricultural research and farm bill implementation as well as taking a hard look at ineffective government spending that is often harmful to rural America.

Ranking Member Peterson Announces Democrat Membership

This week House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Colin Peterson (D-Minn.) announced the 19 democrats who will serve on the Committee in the 114th Congress. The members are as follows:

Collin Peterson, Minnesota

David Scott, Georgia

Jim Costa, California

Tim Walz, Minnesota

Marcia Fudge, Ohio

Jim McGovern, Massachusetts

Suzan DelBene, Washington

Filemon Vela, Texas

Michelle Lujan Grisham, New Mexico

Ann Kuster, New Hampshire

Rick Nolan, Minnesota

Cheri Bustos, Illinois

Sean Patrick Maloney, New York

Ann Kirkpatrick, Arizona

Pete Aguilar, California

Stacey Plaskett, Virgin Islands

Alma Adams, North Carolina

Gwen Graham, Florida

Brad Ashford, Nebraska

Opportunity for Increased Trade Relations with Cuba

Last week the  U.S. Treasury Department took steps to make agricultural trade with Cuba financially easier and offered an opportunity for better agricultural relations between the U.S. and Cuba through the U.S. Agriculture Coalition for Cuba. NSP joins other agriculture organizations as a member of the coalition, promoting the re-establishment of Cuba as a market for U.S. food and agricultural exports.  

NSP Comments on the Conservation Stewardship Program

This week the National Sorghum Producers submitted comments on the interim final rule for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). The U.S. Department of Agriculture is still working to implement the proposed revisions for CSP from the 2014 Farm Bill. NSP expressed support for CSP as a viable mechanism to encourage greater land stewardship and conservation of natural resources while also highlighting concerns and proposed action for the program.

Gearing Up for 20th Commodity Classic

Commodity Classic is America's largest farmer-led, farmer-focused convention and trade show and National Sorghum Producers is gearing up for another memorable event. For the most up to date information visit our website and follow us on Facebook.
Upcoming Sorghum Events

Jan. 27-29         NoTill on the Plains Conference, Salina, Kan.

Jan. 28             Sorghum U, Perryton,Texas

Feb. 2-4            Legislative Meeting and D.C. Fly-In, Washington D.C.

Feb. 2               NSP Farm Bill Meeting, West Helena, Ark.

Feb. 4               NSP Farm Bill Meeting, Raleigh, N.C.

Feb. 5               Kansas Sorghum Commission Meeting, Manhattan, Kan.

Feb. 6               Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers Association Meeting, Manhattan, Kan.

Feb. 6               Kansas Commodity Classic, Manhattan, Kan.

Feb. 10             Sorghum School, Garden City, Kan.
Feb. 11             Sorghum School, Oakley,Kan.
Feb. 12             Sorghum School, Hutchinson, Kan.
Feb. 13             Sorghum School, Ottawa, Kan
Feb. 25             NSP and USCP Board of Director Meeting, Phoenix, Ariz.

For a full view of calendar events, visit the NSP website calendar.
Market News - To view this week's Gulf export grain report, click here.

Sign Up to Receive the Sorghum Checkoff e-Newsletter

Sorghum producers can also receive monthly e-Newsletters from the United Sorghum Checkoff Program. To receive monthly news and information regarding the Sorghum Checkoff's efforts in sorghum research, education and market development, sign up at You can also follow the Sorghum Checkoff on Twitter @SorghumCheckoff.

About Sorghum Notes

Sorghum Notes is a publication of the National Sorghum Producers. NSP represents U.S. sorghum producers and serves as the voice of the sorghum industry from coast to coast through education and legislative and regulatory representation. To learn more about NSP, visit our website at Write to us at National Sorghum Producers, 4201 N Interstate 27, Lubbock, TX 79403. To unsubscribe to Sorghum Notes, please reply to If you have questions about the sorghum industry or the National Sorghum Producers, please do not hesitate to call NSP at 800-658-9808. You can also follow NSP on Twitter @SorghumGrowers, and you can find National Sorghum Producers on Facebook.

Quote of the Week:
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'"

- Martin Luther King Jr.

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Call NSP at (800) 658-9808 to learn more.

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