Care redesign is occurring across the U.S. as provider organizations respond to the rapidly changing shift in the design and performance of their current systems of care. But despite these improvements, barriers still stand in the way of the transformation of health care delivery.

In order to survive and succeed in a value-based world, providers need to strategically rethink how they approach and respond to changes in technology, patient demands, and reimbursements.

On Thursday, January 19, from 9 a.m.–1 p.m. PT, NEJM Catalyst and Providence St. Joseph Health will produce and host a live web event, The Future of Care Delivery: Relentless Redesign. In this free event, several of the nation’s leading experts in health care delivery will reflect on the ongoing nature of care redesign.

“The arc of healthcare redesign is long, but it leads towards value,” said event chair Amy Compton-Phillips, M.D., Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer of Providence St. Joseph Health. “Innovative practices, entrepreneurial thinking, and big data are combining to iterate our way into the future. Clinicians, clinical leaders, and executives must be nimble and adapt, or cede the ability to lead the way.”

The event will include three separate sessions, with attendees encouraged to submit questions online for the Q&A portion of each session. The sessions are:

  • Technology Disruption: What Matters – Health care is awash in new technologies that could transform care delivery or turn out to be nonproductive time sinks – or, worse, undermine patient care. How do we deploy technology, improve care, and achieve value without burdening the patient or the provider team? An innovation executive from within health care and a leading researcher on how patients and providers evaluate new knowledge share their insights.
  • Lessons Learned: Failed Experiments in Care Redesign – Medicine advances through trial and error, research, and learning. Some things we believed in the past turned out to be just plain wrong. As science and practice advances, what norms and practices that are followed today will be rejected in the future, and what should we learn from them? Hear from a leader in health care policy and the president of one of the nation’s largest health systems.
  • Meaningful Data: Meeting Patient Needs – Health care organizations went from having too little data to having too much. How do they filter what’s important, what’s not, and how can they integrate data in a more meaningful way? One of the nation’s leading scientists will join with an innovator in using data to inform what patients and providers want and need.

Participants will come away from the event with approaches to cost-effectively deploy new technology, insights on why providers and researchers have encountered barriers in care redesign and the lessons learned, strategies to filter out important health care data from the unimportant, and processes for integrating good data in a more meaningful way.

To participate in The Future of Care Delivery: Relentless Redesign, register online at NEJM Catalyst. On Twitter, use #caredesign17.

About NEJM Catalyst
NEJM Catalyst offers a combination of multimedia content, web events, expert panels, and new research. NEJM Catalyst connects health care executives, clinical leaders, and clinicians with practical approaches and actionable steps to implement changes in their organizations that improve the value of health care delivery and patient care. For more information, visit

About NEJM Group
NEJM Group creates high-quality medical resources for research, learning, practice, and professional development. Designed to meet the demand for essential medical knowledge and innovation among academic researchers and teachers, physicians, clinicians, executives, and others in health care, NEJM Group products include The New England Journal of Medicine, NEJM Journal Watch, NEJM Knowledge+, and NEJM Catalyst. NEJM Group is a division of the Massachusetts Medical Society. For more information, visit