On 23 January 2013, Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Minister of Treasury Miko?aj Budzanowski discussed the "Polish Investments" Programme with corporations representing local government units. Presentation of the government's new investment programme was part of the Joint Commission of Central and Local Government.

During the meeting, Minister Miko?aj Budzanowski presented opportunities of the "Polish Investments" offered to local governments. Under the programme, local authorities will be able to apply for loans in the Bank of National Economy and for co-funding of projects in Polskie Inwestycje Rozwojowe. Members of local governments were informed of the programme's implementation and organization stage at PIR.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced the "Polish Investments" Programme during the so-called second exposé, on 12 October 2012. The initiative involves investing resources in the implementation of long-term infrastructure projects that will profitable and consequently may result in an increase in GDP.

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