Onsite physical therapy programs reduce time away from work, eliminate travel time and expense, and increase patient compliance which can keep musculoskeletal issues from evolving into complex and costly claims. However, it may not be feasible for all locations or for employees who work remotely, so MedRisk has added a telerehabilitation component to ensure consistent care for all of an employer’s injured workers.

MedRisk places a full-time, onsite physical therapist with expertise in treating work-related injuries in key locations to provide care to patients at their workplaces. The onsite physical therapist, who has also received specialized training on the delivery of physical rehabilitation via video conference, delivers physical rehabilitation to employees at satellite locations via telerehab. All the patient requires is the use of an Apple or Android mobile device, the MedRisk app or a computer with an audio-enabled webcam.

“The onsite-telerehab model guarantees consistent treatment strategies and philosophy of care for all employees regardless of their geographic locations,” said MedRisk’s Chief Clinical & Product Officer Mary O’Donoghue.

In addition to treating patients, MedRisk’s onsite physical therapist provides initial evaluations and injury triage, functional capacity evaluations, post-offer employment testing, re-injury prevention training, ergonomic assessments, workstation analysis and work hardening, conditioning and readiness testing.

For more information on MedRisk’s Onsite Physical Therapy Program with Telerehab visit https://www.medrisknet.com/onsite-physical-therapy-now-with-telerehab/.

About MedRisk

Based in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, MedRisk is the largest managed care organization dedicated to the physical rehabilitation of injured workers. One of the Inc. 5,000 fastest growing companies, MedRisk counts over 260,000 providers in its network and serves over one-half million injured workers every year. The company holds direct contracts with more than 90 percent of the nation’s top workers’ compensation insurers and third-party administrators. MedRisk, which has successfully completed a SSAE 16 Type II examination, ensures high quality care and delivers outstanding customer service. To that end, all customer service professionals, healthcare advocates and physical therapists are based in the U.S. For more information, visit www.medrisknet.com or call 800-225-9675.