BOCA RATON, FL, Jan. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lindos Magnesium, located in the Alps Mountains of Italy, now offers its 100 percent Natural Magnesium on the popular health and wellness portal,

Lindos imports naturally effervescent Magnesium directly from an Italian spring.

“It is ‘Pure Natural Magnesium Directly from the Earth,’” said Robert Williams, CEO of the Maryland-based post 9/11 veteran-owned company. “Our pure, organic Magnesium is all-natural compared to the ‘manufactured’ Magnesium supplements that are on the market.”

Lindos Magnesium offers the only natural Magnesium in a bottle that comes directly from the earth.  “You are not getting Magnesium tablets, injections, or rubs from us. Lindos Magnesium is a tasty, effervescent organic option.

“We like to say our Magnesium is nurtured the way nature intended,” Williams added.

It is crucial to make sure you are getting enough Magnesium in your daily diet.

“People don’t realize that 80 percent of the U.S. population is deficient in Magnesium,” he added. “Magnesium is the mineral people need to stay healthy.”

Magnesium plays a vital role in keeping your bones healthy,” Williams said. “It helps increase bone density and helps metabolize vitamin D. If you are deficient in Magnesium, you may have bone pain, muscle weakness, and cardiovascular disease.”

“All-natural Lindos Magnesium is the better option than manufactured Magnesium supplements,” Williams said. “Our Magnesium is absorbed by the body in about an hour.”

Williams said he and Lindos Magnesium want to improve the health of their consumers.

“Wellness is more than being free from illness,” he said. “It is a dynamic process of change and growth. A great first step toward a healthier you is getting to know the amazing benefits of natural Magnesium.”

Williams said helping people live healthy lives is the logical continuation of serving his country.

“I want to continue to give back to my country,” he added. “I am serving my country by providing pure, organic, natural Magnesium. I am giving people a healthy alternative to manufactured Magnesium.”

To learn more about Lindos Magnesium, check out this YouTube video.

For more information, visit or its social media platforms on Facebook and Instagram.




  • LIndos
Andrew Polin
Lindos Magnesium