January 6, 2014

Guaranteed Price for January: 43.00 euros

Amersfoort -

The FrieslandCampina guaranteed price for raw milk for January 2014 is 43.00 euros per 100 kilogrammes of milk. The guaranteed price is 1.00 euro lower than in December 2013 (44.00 euros). Compared with January 2013 (35.70 euros), the guaranteed price is higher by 7.30 euros.

The guaranteed price for January reflects the estimated milk prices of the benchmark companies for the month of January. Market developments are relatively stable.

With effect from 2014, the price for raw milk will be paid on the basis of the protein, fat and lactose content. From now on, the protein, fat and lactose content will be shown in euros per 100 kilogrammes of milk and in a ratio of 10:5:1. The protein price in January is 701.93 euros, the fat price 350.96 euros and the lactose price 70.19 euros per 100 kilogrammes of milk. As a result of the new payment system, the fat and protein prices are not comparable with those for earlier years. The negative basic price has been withdrawn. The amounts shown apply to an average delivery of 600,000 kilogrammes of milk on an annual basis.

Guaranteed price per month
in euros, per 100 kilogrammes of milk with 3.47% protein, 4.41% fat and 4.51% lactose, exclusive of VAT in 2014 and with 3.47% protein and 4.41% fat in 2013 and 2012

guaranteed price


guaranteed price 






January 43.00 43.00 35.70 35.70





December 44.00 39.45 36.90 33.87
November 44.00 39.04 35.00 33.52
October  42.25 38.55 32.75 33.38
September 41.50 38.13 32.00 33.44
August 40.00 37.71 32.00 33.63
July 40.00 37.39 32.00 33.86
June 40.00 36.95 32.00 34.17
May  39.50  36.34  32.75  34.60
April 37.00 35.55 33.75 35.06
March 34.50 35.07 34.25 35.50
February 35.00 35.35 35.75 36.13

Protein, fat and lactose prices, per month
in euros per 100 kilogrammes





January 701.93 350.96 70.19
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