NEW YORK, Jan. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Kinvolved released its annual Impact Report. The report details the largest year of growth the company has seen in its near decade of existence. The report also includes remarkable stories and outcomes that highlight the company's positive impact on schools and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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"This morning, 21 kids were absent. After KiNVOing (which took three minutes), 14 students showed up."

"2020 presented the K–12 community with significant challenges; we're grateful that Kinvolved was prepared to support all of our schools and districts with great success so that they could continue building critical relationships with students and families in their communities," said Miriam Altman, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Kinvolved.

Kinvolved has spent nearly a decade working to prevent absenteeism and solve the absenteeism crisis in the United States. This crisis is longstanding and deeply rooted; pre-pandemic, approximately eight million, or 15% of U.S. students were missing three weeks or more of school per year, but in 2020, 25% of students were missing nationally, jumping to 40% in some communities.

"The stakes and challenges caused by absenteeism in our country are now higher than any other time in recorded history. Historically, change is slow-moving in K–12 education, but the COVID-19 pandemic forced dramatic transformation in a matter of weeks; what would have typically been a multi-month or multi-year process was condensed into a series of overnight deployments. As frustrating as the change has been, we believe the pandemic provided a much needed spotlight on the attendance crisis at hand. With that comes the opportunity to make strategic and holistic changes that wouldn't have been on the drawing board for consideration before," said Alex Meis, Chief Product Officer and Co-Founder of Kinvolved.

Throughout the pandemic, Kinvolved helped schools and districts:

  • Leverage two-way, translated text messages via KiNVO to communicate with 100% of their families regardless of location, language, device, or internet access
  • Improve attendance regardless of learning scenario (in-person, remote, hybrid)
  • Use two-way, translated text messages to coordinate social services, such as meals for free and reduced lunch students, and health check-ins
  • Survey families for needs

Partner stories throughout the report showcase the positive impact this support made in schools and communities around the country. Kimberly Leimer, a principal in Rhode Island, spoke to the direct impact KiNVO had with her students and said, "This morning, 21 kids were absent. After KiNVOing (which took three minutes), 14 students showed up."

As a result of this mission-critical support, Kinvolved saw the following growth:

  • 63% increase in the number of students served
  • 124% increase in the number of messages exchanged between school and home

In the upcoming year, Kinvolved will continue growing to serve new communities across the U.S. in implementing practical, research-based attendance and family engagement practices that help prevent absenteeism in all learning scenarios. The company will also continue innovating to provide helpful tools such as digital attendance postcards, family surveying, and more to increase efficacy and impact.

To read the full 2020 Impact Report, click here.

CONTACT:  Patrick McLaughlin, 720-432-8824

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