STORY: :: King Charles reads out the new UK government's priorities including tax, housing and continued support for Ukraine

:: London, England

:: 17 July, 2024

"My Lords and Members of the House of Commons, my Government will govern in service to the country. My Government's legislative program will be mission-led and based upon the principles of security, fairness and opportunity for all. Stability will be the cornerstone of my Government's economic policy and every decision will be consistent with its fiscal rules."

"My Ministers will get Britain building, including through planning reform, as they seek to accelerate the delivery of high quality infrastructure and housing.''

"My Government will continue to give its full support to Ukraine and its people and it will endeavour to play a leading role in providing Ukraine with a clear path to NATO membership. My Government will seek to reset the relationship with European partners and work to improve the United Kingdom's trade and investment relationship with the European Union. My Ministers will seek a new security pact to strengthen cooperation on the mutual threats faced by the United Kingdom and the European Union. My Government will play its part in trying to secure long term peace and security in the Middle East."

The package of more than 35 bills will focus on growing the economy, reforming planning laws to make it easier to build homes and speeding up the delivery of major infrastructure projects, improving transport and creating jobs.

The king's speech, written by the government, also tried to set a new tone to British politics. Labour says self-interest took precedence over service over 14 years of often chaotic Conservative Party rule.

Starmer won one of the largest parliamentary majorities in modern British history on July 4, making him the most powerful national leader since former Prime Minister Tony Blair.