The President of Kazakhstan has declared his country has weathered an attempted coup d'etat.

In a speech to an online meeting of the Russian-led CSTO military alliance on Monday (January 10), President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said order had been restored after a week of violence.

But that the hunt for "terrorists" was still ongoing.

"We prevented dangerous threats for the country's security. As part of the counter-terrorists mission, we are trying to identify people who committed those crimes. We detained around 8,000 people, and law enforcement officers and special departments are checking their involvement in terrorist acts, murders, looting, and other crimes."

Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed victory in defending Kazakhstan from what he described as a foreign-backed terrorist uprising.

"The measures taken by the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) have clearly shown we will not allow the situation to be rocked at home and will not allow so-called 'color revolutions' to take place."

Putin sent paratroopers last week to protect strategic facilities after anti-government protesters ransacked and torched public buildings.

And approximately 1,400 Russian nationals were evacuated to Yekaterinburg on military planes, footage released by the Russian Ministry of Defence showed.

Kazakhstan's biggest city Almaty returned to near-normal on Monday (January 10) after the worst violence the country has seen since the Soviet collapse 30 years ago.

Shops and public transport re-opened and internet was switched back on for several hours for the first time since last Wednesday.

Demonstrations were sparked by a New Year's Day fuel price hike, before erupting into wider protests against the government and ex-leader Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Monday was declared a day of mourning for those killed in the unrest.

Sixteen members of the security forces were killed, while the number of civilian casualties is still being checked, the president said.

According to a government social media post, Russian and state media have reported that 164 people had been killed.

Health and police authorities have not confirmed that figure and the original social media post has been deleted.