NRF BIG SHOWConsumers’ embrace of digital commerce has forever changed the retail landscape, leading to increased complexity and challenges for brick and mortar retail stores. As shoppers intermix online and in-store activities when making purchases, there is an abundance of tasks generated for store associates, that, in tandem with the difficulty in forecasting shopper activity, has created operational challenges that are difficult for store managers to address manually.

To address these emerging business challenges for retailers, JDA Software Group, Inc., introduces JDA® Store Optimizer, which transforms previously disconnected data streams into dynamic merchandising tasks for store associates ensuring inventory in the right place at the right time, decreasing stock outs and driving customer satisfaction. Highlighted at the National Retail Federation’s (NRF) 106th annual Retail’s BIG Show this week in New York City, this ground-breaking solution automates and prioritizes in-store processes, which removes operational complexity while enabling optimal execution by store associates. It is the latest technology from JDA built using and powered by Google Cloud Platform.

“Retailers are being forced to reinvent their strategies for serving shoppers as the sea change in the market continues to shift towards ‘me commerce.’ This is most evident as ecommerce continues to grow in popularity, making brick and mortar stores more of a hybrid location for in-store and online store purchases,” said Glen Ceniza, group vice president, product management, JDA. “We recognized the gap in the market to address this intermixing of online and in-store shopping which puts more pressure on in-store associates to perform at exceptionally high levels, requiring more agility and intelligence at the merchandise level. JDA Store Optimizer addresses this market need for global retailers.”

JDA Store Optimizer has built-in intelligence which factors in space and floor plans, labor and products to create the optimal assignment of tasks for individual associates. It enables store personnel to focus on the optimal task via immediate information and alerts on mobile devices such as their phones, tablets and watches. It leverages both existing inventory location technologies and new technologies via the Internet of Things. In addition, JDA will showcase store associate voice integration via Theatro wearable devices at NRF, which will allow them to remain on the store floor, focused on shoppers’ needs.

Ceniza continues, “Think of JDA Store Optimizer as a store manager’s exceptionally adept assistant, freeing her from the process of manually determining the order and assignment of tasks. By partnering with Store Optimizer, store managers can spend more time on the floor making decisions that will positively affect store performance, and less time looking at data points, manually tracking items and struggling to address management issues.”

JDA Store Optimizer is a key aspect to JDA’s vision for “Retail Reimagined” which encompasses JDA’s solutions for Intelligent Planning, Intelligent Fulfillment and Intelligent Store, allowing retailers to transform their omni-channel customer experience.

Key benefits to JDA Store Optimizer include:

  • Lower labor costs due to increased productivity: tasks are automatically and continuously prioritized and optimized as new inputs occur. Automation frees the manager from a time-consuming job.
  • Improved revenue through increased sales and fewer lost sales: stores will be able to ensure higher on-shelf availability and decreased out-of-stocks. With product where it should be when it should be, customers can find what they want and buy it.
  • Increased store associate retention and satisfaction: associates are more efficient and productive, armed with knowing what the right task is at the right time, enabling them to contribute to customer satisfaction while feeling empowered in their role on the store floor. This helps with employee satisfaction and retention, reducing costs to train and retain associates.

JDA Store Optimizer can also be leveraged with additional JDA omni-channel retail solutions such as JDA Intelligent Fulfillment and distributed order management solutions as well as JDA Workforce Management and JDA Category Management, bringing greater efficiency and customer satisfaction to in-store operations.

Additionally, JDA is building a partner ecosystem made up of hardware vendors and solution integrators to extend the functionality and benefits of JDA Store Optimizer. Initially, JDA is collaborating Intel, integrating with its Retail Sensor Platform as well as with Cognizant, integrating JDA Store Optimizer into its RetailMate solution.

JDA Store Optimizer will be available this summer.

Additional Resources:

  • Read our press release on NRF and the Store of the Future here.
  • Read our Supply Chain Nation blog on our activities at NRF here.

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About JDA Software Group, Inc.

JDA Software is the leading provider of seamless supply chain planning and execution solutions for retailers, manufacturers, logistics providers and wholesale distributors. Our unmatched solution portfolio enables our clients to reduce costs, increase profitability and improve visibility so they can deliver on customer promises every time. More than 4,000 global customers run JDA, including 73 of the top 100 retailers, 71 of the top 100 consumer goods companies, and 13 of the top 16 3PLs. With JDA, you can plan to deliver.

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