PR Newswire/Les Echos/

Information and documents related to the Annual General Meeting of the
Shareholders of Euro Disney S.C.A. - February 12, 2014

(Marne-la-Vallée, on January 22, 2014) Euro Disney S.C.A. is making available
today on its website ( the information and
documents mentioned in Article R. 225-73-1 of the French Commercial Code, in
accordance with the applicable French laws and regulations.

Press Contact                             Investor Relations
Laurent Manologlou                        Olivier Lambert
Tel: +331 64 74 59 50                     Tel: +331 64 74 58 55
Fax: +331 64 74 59 69                     Fax: + 331 64 74 56 36
e-mail:     e-mail:

Corporate Communication François Banon
Tel: +331 64 74 59 50
Fax: +331 64 74 59 69

                    Next Scheduled Release on January 24, 2014:
                    Annual General Meeting - February 12, 2014

         Additional financial information can be found on the internet at

Code ISIN:       FR0010540740
Code Reuters:    EDLP.PA
Code Bloomberg:  EDL:FP

The Group operates Disneyland(r) Paris, which includes: the Disneyland(r) Park,
the Walt Disney Studios(r) Park, seven themed hotels with approximately 5,800
rooms (excluding approximately 2,300 additional third-party rooms located on the
site), two convention centers, the Disney Village(r), a dining, shopping and
entertainment center, and a 27-hole golf course. The Group's operating
activities also include the development of the 2,230-hectare site, half of which
is yet to be developed. Euro Disney S.C.A.'s shares are listed and traded on
NYSE Euronext Paris.

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