Idera, Inc., parent company of global B2B software productivity brands, today announced new integration capabilities between its Assembla and TestRail products. The integration allows users to manage TestRail test runs from the Assembla tickets interface, improving productivity for product managers and developers.

Assembla’s secure source code management platform for Git, Subversion and Perforce repositories is used by the world’s biggest brands to ensure cloud version control for enterprises, a mission-critical component for developing, managing and shipping secure software. TestRail provides test case management tools that help QA and developer teams manage, track and organize their software testing efforts.

Thousands of companies use both Assembla and TestRail to manage their secure source code and test management initiatives, respectively. Previously, users of both products had to switch between Assembla and TestRail to view the status of their projects. With this new integration, Assembla customers who use TestRail can now manage test runs without ever leaving the Assembla interface. TestRail data is displayed right alongside information located in Assembla tickets, significantly improving workflow efficiency and software reliability.

“We’re always looking for ways to improve communication between product managers and developers,” said Robert Warmack, general manager of Assembla. “The integration between Assembla and TestRail saves time and increases productivity for joint users, empowering them to deliver secure, compliant code with greater ease and efficiency, while maintaining high standards of quality assurance and accountability. It brings the best of two solutions available, together in a powerfully integrated combination.”

In upcoming releases, functionality will be added that allows TestRail customers to create new test runs through a TestRail tab within the Assembla platform.

To learn more, visit our help article, How To Integrate Assembla Tickets with TestRail. To try Assembla for free, visit: To try TestRail for free, visit:

About Assembla

Assembla's secure enterprise cloud version control solutions help developers minimize or eliminate vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. From compliance to source code scanning, Assembla is the security-forward choice for developing, managing and shipping amazing software. Founded in 2005, Assembla has more than 5,500 customers across 157 countries, including Deutsche Telekom, Bayer, Kellogg’s, Oracle, Unity, Disney, Apple, Marketo and Salesforce. Assembla is a division of Idera, Inc. To learn more, visit

About TestRail

TestRail by Gurock provides test case management tools that help QA and developer teams efficiently manage, track and organize their software testing efforts. Thousands of teams around the world use TestRail to boost testing productivity and get real-time insights on testing progress. Gurock is a division of Idera, Inc. To learn more, visit